Help with xenia


Thanks I'm working on the flow thing how long will it last like this?
Lights are 10,000 kelvins with moon light,18w,over my 10 gallon tank.


Active Member
Assuming you have perfect water quality and you place them in a low flow area close to the lights they should look much better in a few days. Don't mess with them or anything else any more than you have to.


Its starting to turn brown at the base. I added some iodine,feed them,put at the highest point of the tank and put them in a low flow area.

bang guy

Originally Posted by firefish9
Its starting to turn brown at the base. I added some iodine,feed them,put at the highest point of the tank and put them in a low flow area.
They can't eat so there's no reason to feed them.
If you choose to dose Iodine make sure you test current levels. An Iodine overdose is really bad.


mine started to wilt the other day.. looks like a 143 year old man right now... or rotting asperagus... i had it for 2 months and was healthy up till i had a cloudy water condition which is since cleared up... now it looks like crap... still out there flowing but reall nasty lookin.


Active Member
I have had some very good luck with xenia, I have had a couple of near meltdowns. When i notice my xenia acting starange i know its either time for a water change or time to change out my carbon, or both. Are you running any carbon, if so have you tried to change it and see if that helps? When you move xenia, or add it to your tank it produces an unreal amount of chemicals and mucas. the carbon will help with that. I have started to add a few peices to my bags of xenia frags to help during transit, and i have had a 100% survival rate as of now (knock on wood)


Now it looks flatened over and still miky brown it is barely pulseing. When I bought it,it looked healthy.When I brought it home it was healty for a few hours. But then it started to look sick. The frag is next to a small star polyp. Is this ok?


i left mine alone when it looked like that and a week later it opened. mine retracts whenever anyone (usually fire shrimp) touches it or when lights go off or on. dunno if thats too much help but just thought id tell you

bang guy


Originally Posted by FishStix4u
carbons less than a week old and water change about a week ago as well... paramaters are fine
Listing the parameters helps a lot more than "fine".


amonia 0
nitrates 10ppm
nitrites 0
ph 8.3
temp 79.8
calcium 420
alk 300
water change yesterday 10 gallons
tank 75
sump 30


Active Member
How do you get them to look all perky mine looks fine from the stalk but the polyp just look still not as perky when it was pulsing rapidly. Its been like this for year now I just want to get it back to the way it was when it was pulsing where the polyps look very fluffy.

bang guy

Originally Posted by FishStix4u
amonia 0
nitrates 10ppm
nitrites 0
ph 8.3
temp 79.8
calcium 420
alk 300
water change yesterday 10 gallons
tank 75
sump 30
Looks fine

There is another possibility. A lot of successful SPS keepers cannot keep Xenia. I believe it has to do with the exceptionally nutrient free water they maintain. If this is the case with your tank then you may not be able to keep Xenia.
I've seen quite a few tanks where Iodine was the problem. Excess Iodine was the problem, overdosing.