Help Yellow Tang Dying!!!!!!


New Member
My Yellow Tang has severe fin and tail rot, open wounds, and it has not eaten for about 4 or 5 days that I know of. I have been using melafix and just started with the primafix. I have been feeding it brine shrimp, green and red seaweed, and flake, as a variety. Since he has stopped eating I have tried to mix garlic extreme with his food and it did not help. He looks miserable, he is just laying up against a piece of rock getting ready to die. I have a 75 gallon tank with about 70 lbs of LR, 2 yellow striped maroon clowns, and 1 purple fire fish. I have a refugium filter and my water quality is good. The amonia is at 0, nitrate and nitrite is 0, ph is 8.4 and temp is between 79 and 81. I can't handle watching him suffer anymore. Please Help.......


New Member
i have had it for 2 months and the tank has been set up for about 4 months. one of the clowns bothered it at first but they have became best friends.


Active Member
Is there anything else in the tank? Is there an anemone in the tank that could have stung the clown? When did this all start with the tang?


New Member
I did have one of the long anemone but when I started the treatment with the melafix it swelled up and died. could it have stung him and started this whole thing???


Active Member
Yes, that could have possibly stressed the fish out and caused it to stop eating.
Have you had all of your levels double-checked to make sure they are accurate readings?


Active Member
Yes, but one of your test kits could be faulty. That would be a reason why your fish is not improving or eating.
One time, my volitan lionfish would not eat for a month and all of my levels were fine. Finally, I got so fed up I took my water to the LFS and they checked it for me. They said my salinity was at 1.011 by using their refractometer. My hydrometer had stopped working properly and was giving me a faulty reading. This is always possible with hydrometers or old test kits.


New Member
it started about 2 weeks ago as brown spots on the back by his tail but he would still eat like a pig......i just went to look at him and he is dead
.....thanks for all of your help....does it sound like i did anything wrong
....i would still like to have a yellow tang.


Active Member
No, it does not sound like you did anything. It sounds like something stressed him out very much, like getting stung by an anemone.
I would change the diet you have your fish on. I would include at least 4 or 5 more items into the diet to ensure the fish are getting variety. The brine shrimp is of basically of no nutritional value, so this should only be used as a treat.
I am sorry to hear that you lost your fish.


Active Member
Both of those are nutritious, but you need to remember that in the wild, fish may eat 20 different things in a week, just like you and I do. If I went with just eating pizza, salad, and grapes every day of my life, I would be malnourished and very bored with my diet.
Here is an example for you. On a weekly basis, my fish are on a rotation of Formula A and B, Reef Formula, Algae Formula, Angel Formula, Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies, protein pellets, and fresh chunks of bananas. All of my food gets dosed with Zoe, Selcon, VitaChem and Garlic Xtreme to add even more nutrition.
Variety is the key in keeping healthy fish. By me just feeding these 5 types of frozen foods, my fish are getting over 20 different foods (krill, kelp, seaweed, lettuce, peas, prawn, mysis shrimp, clams, scallop, lobster, plankton, sponge, algae, squid, zooplankton, spinach, salmon, sardine, spirulina, mussel, fish, and fish roe.)