New Member
My Yellow Tang has severe fin and tail rot, open wounds, and it has not eaten for about 4 or 5 days that I know of. I have been using melafix and just started with the primafix. I have been feeding it brine shrimp, green and red seaweed, and flake, as a variety. Since he has stopped eating I have tried to mix garlic extreme with his food and it did not help. He looks miserable, he is just laying up against a piece of rock getting ready to die. I have a 75 gallon tank with about 70 lbs of LR, 2 yellow striped maroon clowns, and 1 purple fire fish. I have a refugium filter and my water quality is good. The amonia is at 0, nitrate and nitrite is 0, ph is 8.4 and temp is between 79 and 81. I can't handle watching him suffer anymore. Please Help.......