

New Member
My son went into the Army 2yrs ago, He left his 55g no coral aquarium with me. He had 2 clown fish and a six line is all. WE have added a Royal Gramma and a yellow wrasse in the last 3mo. In the past 10days both wrasses and the Royal Gramma have gotten through the egg crate that covers the top and ended up on the rug. What can I add thats active and has some color that wont get out? The aquarium is so bland looking. A Flame Angel is planned.


Active Member
Just wondering, do you have moonlights on the tank? I've heard that it helps fish from getting startled so easily and they wont jump as much. You can also get another peice of egg crate and cover the peice you have on there already, but move it a little so the holes reen't lined up exactly and it'll make them smaller. Carppy explination, but I tried. lol
My next add is going to be a Midas Blenny. =) Beautiful little fish.


My son joined the army and left his dog with me I would rather he left a aquarium.

I use the pond netting myself over my aquariums.I have a small school of green chromis that really give my tank a nice look.


New Member
We have put some netting on the tank now, I think they jump when I'm cleaning the algae. We have had chromis in the past but they slowing seem to go MIA after a while. So what would you but in there thats active and larger.


New Member
A Flame is planned in the future. I would like a Tang but ive been told a 55 is to small, I was in a office the other day and there aquarium was wider than mine and it had 22 fish in it with 4 tangs. It was a nice looking tank lots of movement. I think they said it was a 65g.


Originally Posted by armydad
A Flame is planned in the future. I would like a Tang but ive been told a 55 is to small, I was in a office the other day and there aquarium was wider than mine and it had 22 fish in it with 4 tangs. It was a nice looking tank lots of movement. I think they said it was a 65g.
22 fish!!!!! OMG those poor fish.....sure it had lots of movement...with 22 fish unless they were dead what else could they do.
I actually was agreeing that a flame angel is a good fish...LOL...I have one in my 225G...along with the red spotted sandperch..
Personally I would not put a tang in a 55G.....remember I said personally (LOL)


Deffiantly no tangs,allthough you could get a Purple Pseudochromis,Royal Gramma and there are kinds of Anthias that would work in your tank.


Active Member
I can say the sixline and yellow wrasse was a doomed combination :( Especially an esblished sixline will not tolerate a new small wrasse like that in the system, IMO. I don't know the order, but if the yellow wrasse jumped first, it may have been chased. The royal gramma possibly also was a victim of being chased. :( sixlines are small but mean!
Most offices have tanks maintained by professional services, for which they pay a lot of money. They have fish and decor changed out regularly, and fish replaced regularly. Also, you can basically stress the natural behavior out of fish by overcrowding them. I definitely do not recommend what was done in that tank...what you see may not be what is really going on.
I would discourage tangs...if you must have one go with a yellow eye (Kole) tang...but a lot of live rock is really needed.
Can you post a tank pic?
There are many fish that will work in your tank but it will take time and patience to get it to work right.


New Member
I cant take a pic (kids loaned camera out and it never came back). Heres whats in the tank 2 clowns and a sixline theres is a diamond goby also but we hardly see it. We want to put in a Flame Angel. So what would you recommend adding thats not to small and doesnt hide all time.No Chromis