
I have a fifty five gallon tank, and a twenty gallon tank. I am starting over on my 55, and all i have in it are my clown and my mandrin goby. I started my 20 yesterday, and had used the water from my water change of my 55 to fill my 20. I noticed just now my Mandrin looks AWFUL and my clown was not perky as normal. He is laying on the rock. Alive, but not good. I moved my clown to my 20, and he seems to be much better just after 30 min. Should i move my goby too??? I ran out of the stuff in my test kit to test for anything so i cant till tommorrow. but i am afraid it will be to late! WHAT DO I DO!


It has been established for four years. I have had no major problems till last winter, we had an ice storm, lost ALL my coral. No fish though,, I am moving, and so i am going to move the fish i have in it, and start a new kind of reef in it instead. What else do you need to know? should i move the Goby?


If you are having an ammonia spike in the 55, then putting them in the 20 will be ok, but soon, the 20 will spike, so you have to have water ready for a change, and hope they live. I would be surprised if the mandarin lives if it doesn't look good right now. You might try some ammolock, or whatever product will make the ammonia less harmful, but still won't completely fix the problem.


I wouldn't put anything in there unless you can dpo a test to see if you even need can move the mandarin to the 20 for tonight if the clown is doing better, BUT...are their any pods in there for it to eat? Mix new water tonight and get test kits first thing tomorrow....
AGAIN...I would not start putting chemicals in your tank


I decided against chemicals... to scarred to do anything... My mandrin ( i have had for two years) he actually eats Flakes and frozen brine :0 haha lucky i know. Thats why i am so afraid to loose him. I LOVE him. I have fed them a small amount. ( afraid to do to much, dont want to spike anything)


My mandarin in my 225G also eats frozen foods :)
if you think something is wrong with the 55G then put it with the clown in the 20G till you can check the water in the 55G