

Ok so today I did a water change, and thought I should clean my canister filter too.
When I cleaned my filter I cleaned the bottom (black) pads with tank water, and replace my micro pad (soaked in tank water first). The only thing I didn't clean was the filter media as I've read that it contains the good I left it.
I did my 10% water change, fired everything up and my filter sent a zillion little micro bubbles into the tank for about 5 minutes. It ha since totally cleared up.
BUT. My little percula (I have 2) is going crazy, breathing fast and having little "seizures". And my other perc is nipping at it, something it has never done. My Xenia is kinda closing up but all my mushrooms look ok.
Did I do something wrong here??? I'm i gonna loose everything?!?!

bang guy

What was the waterflow rate in the tank with the filter offline?

Did all of the water from the filter get dumped or did you reuse some of it?

Clownfish are not extremely sensitive to ammonia but they do have limits. I just wonder if somehow some of the water stagnated and had some bacteria die-off resulting in temporary ammonia levels.


With the filter offline I am at 2300gph. I have a 90g tank with a filter that puts 350gph. My two powerheads are Hydor koralia's. So I think I have lots of flow with or without the filter.
All the water from the filter got dumped. The only thing I didn't "clean" was the actual filter media...


So, a few hours later everything looks ok now. But, on that note, do I have TOO much flow? It's a 90g so I'm up around 25x turnover....