Here is my baby


I have to rinse out the foam every week.
But I only rinse 2 per week. I don't rinse all 4 at once cuz I want to bacteria in the other 2 pc of foams to keep the water stable.


Active Member
dont see why you would change any of the pemguin filter.. but its your tank
bio wheels help to an extent like mentioned butt. they do nothign bad they are NOT a n itrate factory.. for th pads every mnth or so just take then out and wash them and wjat i do is tje the thing apart and clean the sand out and the filters and such so you get this plastic box and clran it
nice tank looks bigger then a 55


Penguin filters have carbon in there, I don't like to use that much carbon in the tank.
Bio wheels release a crazy odor, like a fishy slimmy smell.
Rockwork plays a very important roll in the way others look at the tank.
That's why you see my tank bigger than 55.


Active Member
I dont see him in that picture. But the earlier ones. Flames are one of my favorite fish. I really love your tank. Im not sure if you did but a week or 2 ago they held a picture contest, you should of submited.


Active Member
WOW...great job!! That's a beautiful looking tank. Way to go. Keep us posted on your progress, 'kay?
Lisa :happyfish
well here is the fish that i have always wanted but never got, until now. i have had him for about two weeks and he is just what i expected and wanted. he is eating good and redecorating everything. i had to convince my wife to let me get it so here he is



are you addicted to going to the pet store
i have that same really looks great watch out or you will end up like me ive upgraded 2 sizes in four years started with a 75 then went to a 110 high and just set up my 240 i kept running out of places to put stuff...........but its sure looks good for 4 months congrates


Everyone has been so nice and kind on their comments. I too love the tank. I think the stars are doomed if ya ask me and also the tank is very young to have that angel in there. Do you suppliment it's food daily with nori or seaweed sheets?


That tank is my 2nd full time job; too much works going in there!
I do too much hand feeding to the corals cuz each one of them feeds differently.
The stars are doing great. there are more algae in the tank than you see in that pix. That's plenty to feed the stars.
I feed my fishes daily with Mysis shrimps and Sprectrum A pellets. They can't be any happier.
I have Tiger pods spreading in the tank also. That's really cool.
I have live seaweed growing in tank. That feeds my emerald crabs also.
The only thing I have a hard time keeping is the sponges. 1 of my 2 sponge is dying.
I won't get any sponges again. They are hard to keep.
I might stay with that 55g for a while cuz it takes 4 months to finally get the tank stablized. I dont' want to restart the process, and plus, I have no room for a bigger tank for now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by barchtruong
The stars are doing great. there are more algae in the tank than you see in that pix. That's plenty to feed the stars.

It is a beautiful tank

However, please note that these stars do not eat "algae" per se. They also take about a year + to starve to death. So once you have had them for 18 months, you can claim success. But overall it is a lot of stars in a very small tank :( They need a lot of LR per star to do well.
This is not true in every case, but there is no doubt that few are successful keeping that many Linckia/Fromia stars in a small young tank long term.
I wish you luck, and hope that you still have them in a year.


hi all,
The tank is almost 5 months now (May 1st)
Just wanna share so new pics.
Hope you like it.
Sun coral is the newbie. It's my trouble, it's my pain....

pic 1: whole tank shot
pic 2: Fox coral (costed me a fortune for it)
pic 3: Pagoda Cup and Finger leather
pic 4:Mushroom corner with Flamy
pic 5:LTA (trouble some in my reef community)



pic 1: Green Brain (out grown!)
pic 2:Cabbage and Zoos and Xenia
pic 3: Candy Cane
Pic 4: combo
pic 5: feeding time
