Here is my baby


here is my sun coral, it's crazy to have this thing.
I am so drained and tired with this coral.
as you can see, I have to take it out and in the lil container and put Cyclopeez in and stir the water slowly to feed it....



Love your tank! Fantastic work in such a short amount of time too. Kudos! I have my 92 gallon filled with water but haven't put in any liverock yet because of a problem with the lights. I have great liverock too (some of it came from a 25 year old reef tank!) so I am hoping it cycles quickly like yours did. Again, great job on your tank!!!


Hey nice tank. How did you get to attached the soft coral into your LR above the sun coral because I have one similar and I can't get it to attached to my LR.


the finger leather came with a pc of rock.
I had to set the rock into my rockwork.
And over time, the thing started to grow and attached the side of it to my rockwork.
lots of my corals made themselves at home in my tank and started to grow on my rockwork.
It will be a big issue when comes to moving!


Originally Posted by vt4lifecuf
is that emperor 400 i see? how many G?
no, I have 2-Penguin 350.
I took the wheels out, added extra layers of 30ppi filter foams at each fall.
They work great for filtering out big particles. Got alot of pods living in there.
Coralife 125 skimmers picks up the rest.
There is another layer of filter where skimmer output into the tank is.
tank is 55g.


Active Member
that is a beautiful tank, mine has been up for 2 years yours puts mine to shame
where do you go for your corals or do you order them on line


Wow, I hope my 55 looks like after 4 months once I get it set up !!!!!!! Nice colors! How much rock is that, and what type?


Originally Posted by BabyB
that is a beautiful tank, mine has been up for 2 years yours puts mine to shame
where do you go for your corals or do you order them on line
I bought mine all over the places, but mostly in OKC. the reef shop and the fish wlrd. Don't remember bying anything online.
I am sure everyone's tank can be bright and pretty if you put efforts and commitment into it.
Brandan>>>I have Fiji lr and I think it's a lil over 100lb in that tank.
Good lighting, PH and Cal with get your tank up to speed in no time.


not sure if the mods let me say outloud on here.
the place is in yukon. Vandament blvd. and I forgot the intersections.
look up the phone book, I am sure you can find it.
That's the name of the store.
and if you still can't find it. email me and I will send you the info. dont' have his bizness card here. great place. go and visit him.


Hi everyone,
It has been so long since the last time I did "show and tell" on my tank.
Here is the newest pictures of my baby.
Hope you all like it.
It is now 15months and everything has outgrown my poor 55g tank.
I am needing to upgrade to 125g now.

happy saltwatering, all



That is an amazing tank! You definitely have the bug. Does the word "frag" come to mind at all?!


Originally Posted by Tiberius
That is an amazing tank! You definitely have the bug. Does the word "frag" come to mind at all?!
well....., I actually like mighty BIG corals. So I try not to frag any of them. And also, the tank is very crammed up now. There's no room for the frags. I think bigger pieces would look lots better in my future 125g tank.