Here's a shocker: A Politician lied


Active Member
"Intelligence officials released documents this evening saying that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was briefed in September 2002 about the use of harsh interrogation tactics against al-Qaeda prisoners, seemingly contradicting her repeated statements over the past 18 months that she was never told that these techniques were actually being used.
In a 10-page memo outlining an almost seven-year history of classified briefings, intelligence officials said that Pelosi and then-Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) were the first two members of Congress ever briefed on the interrogation tactics. Then the ranking member and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, respectively, Pelosi and Goss were briefed Sept. 4, 2002, one week before the first anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The memo, issued by the Director of National Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency to Capitol Hill, notes the Pelosi-Goss briefing covered "EITs including the use of EITs on Abu Zubaydah." EIT is an acronym for enhanced interrogation technique. Zubaydah was one of the earliest valuable al-Qaeda members captured and the first to have the controversial tactic known as water boarding used against him."
I wonder if the torture hating left will demand the filthy little yard gnome step down as speaker


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
"Intelligence officials released documents this evening saying that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was briefed in September 2002 about the use of harsh interrogation tactics against al-Qaeda prisoners, seemingly contradicting her repeated statements over the past 18 months that she was never told that these techniques were actually being used.
In a 10-page memo outlining an almost seven-year history of classified briefings, intelligence officials said that Pelosi and then-Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) were the first two members of Congress ever briefed on the interrogation tactics. Then the ranking member and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, respectively, Pelosi and Goss were briefed Sept. 4, 2002, one week before the first anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The memo, issued by the Director of National Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency to Capitol Hill, notes the Pelosi-Goss briefing covered "EITs including the use of EITs on Abu Zubaydah." EIT is an acronym for enhanced interrogation technique. Zubaydah was one of the earliest valuable al-Qaeda members captured and the first to have the controversial tactic known as water boarding used against him."
I wonder if the torture hating left will demand the filthy little yard gnome step down as speaker
I think Pelosi Lies everytime she opens her mouth. Name one time she has NOT lied since Obama was elected. She swore to work with the GOP she pretty much refuses to let them introduce any legislation at all.


Active Member
Nancy Pelosi is the one of the two people who i can't stand in government the other being Chris Dodd.


Active Member
ugg, I still dont' get it, we've done worse things to kids while in college. Where the kid could have really got hurt.


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Originally Posted by Culp
Nancy Pelosi is the one of the two people who i can't stand in government the other being Chris Dodd.
I don't like Obama's policies but he seems like a likable guy. This thing I have a personal dislike of you wouldn't believe. Maybe it is because she does lie so much.


Active Member
Next they need to investigate her husband.
Pelosi lied, and the silence of the media is deafening.
God forbid a Republican did something like this. They'd be forced to resign.
Of course AL Gore won the Nobel Prize for his lies.
Apparently the libs just grade you on your lies.
"When your a Democrat, it's different." Jim Quinn


Active Member
got sucked into this one. I thought the thread title was "A politician lied."
I didn't realize the point was that Republicans don't do that.
Honor among thieves? All politicians fit that bill.
Don't worry though. If history is any indication, the midterm elections will put the R's back in power and they can fix everything up like Gingrich did.
And lest I be misunderstood - Pelosi and Gingrich are cut from the same cloth.


Active Member
Seriously? - You see no parallels?
Hmmm, both a-holes, both liars, both elected on promises they didn't keep?
Oh, but I'm sure that Nancy had no intention of doing what she promised, whereas Newt was thwarted by the evil Democrats (despite his Congressional majority) - he couldn't possibly have been telling the same lie Nancy told. It was happenstance. It was an accident. Poow wittew innocent Wepublwican was thwarted by the Great Democrat Satan. Or something.
At least Nancy didn't leave her husband for a younger guy while he was dying of Cancer. Or serve him divorce papers while he was in the hospital undergoing chemo. But ok, Newt was otherwise an honorable and upstanding guy.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Seriously? - You see no parallels?
Hmmm, both a-holes, both liars, both elected on promises they didn't keep?
Oh, but I'm sure that Nancy had no intention of doing what she promised, whereas Newt was thwarted by the evil Democrats (despite his Congressional majority) - he couldn't possibly have been telling the same lie Nancy told. It was happenstance. It was an accident. Poow wittew innocent Wepublwican was thwarted by the Great Democrat Satan. Or something.
At least Nancy didn't leave her husband for a younger guy while he was dying of Cancer. Or serve him divorce papers while he was in the hospital undergoing chemo. But ok, Newt was otherwise an honorable and upstanding guy.
Seriously,this whole congress need a enema.We need to vote everyone of them out of office.Term limits across the board.If we really want change its gonna have to start with getting all the crooks out of office,and all of them are at some level or another. This is the kind of reform this country needs,less get some people in office who see being a member of congress as being a public service and not a career.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
got sucked into this one. I thought the thread title was "A politician lied."
I didn't realize the point was that Republicans don't do that.
Honor among thieves? All
politicians fit that bill.
Don't worry though. If history is any indication, the midterm elections will put the R's back in power and they can fix everything up like Gingrich did.
And lest I be misunderstood - Pelosi and Gingrich are cut from the same cloth.
The difference is with the exception of Fox news and a few newspapers when the Dems pull this crap it gets ignored by the media. Pelosi politicizing the whole thing is a lot more harmful to the country than what Senator Larry pulled in the airport bathroom yet that was a media event. Same with the Rangle situation, William Jefferson, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, John Murtha. It's just ridiculous. These people have all pretty much been given a pass by the media.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Seriously? - You see no parallels?
Hmmm, both a-holes, both liars, both elected on promises they didn't keep?
Oh, but I'm sure that Nancy had no intention of doing what she promised, whereas Newt was thwarted by the evil Democrats (despite his Congressional majority) - he couldn't possibly have been telling the same lie Nancy told. It was happenstance. It was an accident. Poow wittew innocent Wepublwican was thwarted by the Great Democrat Satan. Or something.
At least Nancy didn't leave her husband for a younger guy while he was dying of Cancer. Or serve him divorce papers while he was in the hospital undergoing chemo. But ok, Newt was otherwise an honorable and upstanding guy.
So you are comparing Gingrich serving divorce papers on his wife with Pelosi lying about matters that have a direct effect on national security? At least Gingrich Got a divorce instead of just messing around on the side.


Active Member
An absolutely valid point. (Post 11)
The media is not only not unbiased, but it is complicit in supporting its own bias.
The ironic thing about that is that most of the major media, from the alphabet channels to Fox to Clear Channel, are owned by the same major corporations that they're supposed to be reporting objectively on.
Those corporations are also the major financial contributors to the politicians who are supposedly representing for, by and of, the people on both sides of the equation.
If you investigate it closely, you'll find that campaign contributions to the two major political parties are approximately equal on both sides (R and D) from any given large corporation.
Michael Savage raises a seminal point with regard to the "government/media complex."
Unfortunately, the Media are unelected.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So you are comparing Gingrich serving divorce papers on his wife with Pelosi lying about matters that have a direct effect on national security? At least Gingrich Got a divorce instead of just messing around on the side.
Ummm - yes - I'm doing precisely that. He served his wife papers so he could marry someone else with whom he was already involved.
Pelosi, to my knowledge, has not done that.
And yes, I am comparing the two. So did the R's when they impeached Clinton.
What's the difference - morally?
I am a liberal. I am not, however, a Democrat. I make no apologies for my point of view, nor will I suffer liars and/or thieves on either side of my aisle. In the end, agree or disagree, the aisle and what's on either side of it belongs to both of us.
Both Pelosi and Gingrich are more interested in enriching themselves than in defending the Constitution they swore to uphold.
Do you understand that there is no distinction between the two of them as far as I'm concerned?
If one or the other party manages to gain permanent control - you and I are both in trouble.


Active Member
Who would be Crazy enough to FOOL around with Pelosi. I would not touch her with a 10 meter CATTLE prod. Anyone that wants For having Unlawful Carnal Knowledge of her is fine by me however I will stick with my wife.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Seriously? - You see no parallels?
Hmmm, both a-holes, both liars, both elected on promises they didn't keep?
Oh, but I'm sure that Nancy had no intention of doing what she promised, whereas Newt was thwarted by the evil Democrats (despite his Congressional majority) - he couldn't possibly have been telling the same lie Nancy told. It was happenstance. It was an accident. Poow wittew innocent Wepublwican was thwarted by the Great Democrat Satan. Or something.
At least Nancy didn't leave her husband for a younger guy while he was dying of Cancer. Or serve him divorce papers while he was in the hospital undergoing chemo. But ok, Newt was otherwise an honorable and upstanding guy.

What about good ol' John Edwards, leaving his wife, having an affair all while she's fighting cancer. That's a great guy.
Like the point made, they all do these things, nut the press gives the Dems a pass to promote the agenda.
If I had done somthing like Dan Rather in my profession, I'd have my license revoked AND sued.
Rather and his cronies got nothing.


Active Member
I have hoped since Gingritch treated his wife so badly that he would just go away. He is a moral albatross that needs to be jettisoned by the right. I will disagree, however, that he lied about what he was going to do. The Contract With America was a great piece of political thought. Two great reforms that came out of it was 1) Welfare reform-it worked well wherever it was fully implemented. 2) IRS reform-no more jack-booted thugs raiding 80 year olds out their homes at 2:00 am and a REAL appeal process in open court instead of the secret IRS court where NO ONE had a chance. The rest of the agenda was lip-service and really went nowhere. But those two policies were nothing short of phenomenal in Washington. Then Reps got full power and started following the inevitable corruption that follows. Strange thing is it took about 6-8 years for the Republicans to start revealing their corruption, it's taken Pelosi and Ried 2 years to get into the full swing of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uneverno
Ummm - yes - I'm doing precisely that. He served his wife papers so he could marry someone else with whom he was already involved.
Pelosi, to my knowledge, has not done that.
And yes, I am comparing the two. So did the R's when they impeached Clinton.
What's the difference - morally?
I am a liberal. I am not, however, a Democrat. I make no apologies for my point of view, nor will I suffer liars and/or thieves on either side of my aisle. In the end, agree or disagree, the aisle and what's on either side of it belongs to both of us.
Both Pelosi and Gingrich are more interested in enriching themselves than in defending the Constitution they swore to uphold.
Do you understand that there is no distinction between the two of them as far as I'm concerned?
If one or the other party manages to gain permanent control - you and I are both in trouble.
Bill Clinton was impeached for perjuring himself before a grand jury, That is a violation of the law. The reason he lied doesn't really matter. His personal conduct became a part of the investigation ONLY because his own attorney general felt it had a bearing on the investigation into dirty business dealing that resulted in 12 convictions of close associates and friends of the Clintons so the right wing witch hunt theory doesn't hold water.
There is no comparison between a person not handling the dissolution of a marriage correctly (if that indeed was the case) and a person violating the public trust in the course of their duty as an elected official. If you find the way Gingrich handled his divorce so distasteful that you couldn't in good conscience vote for him great, I just hope you hold all politicians to that same standard. But it in no way compares to what Pelosi or say Duke Cunningham did. Hell what Clinton did doesn't compare to what Pelosi did. He showed incredibly poor judgment but his motives nor the result of his actions had the potential to damage the country that politicizing issues of national security do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
What about good ol' John Edwards, leaving his wife, having an affair all while she's fighting cancer. That's a great guy.
Like the point made, they all do these things, nut the press gives the Dems a pass to promote the agenda.
If I had done somthing like Dan Rather in my profession, I'd have my license revoked AND sued.
Rather and his cronies got nothing.
The OP stated that a politician lied. Edwards is absolutely the moral equivalent of Gingrich.
How the press reports on it is a separate issue.
As relates to the consequences of what is lied about in the media - we're on the same page on that one. The press is as amoral and intentionally ignorant in their reporting as our politicians purport themselves to be in their press conferences.
R and D don't matter. The only reason I point it out is that people seem to favor one party over the other as if it were morally superior.
I don't get why it's so difficult to understand that politicians in general, regardless of party affiliation, are anathema to We the People? Watch and get back to me.