Here's to you Pop

nm reef

Active Member dad passed away rather unexpectedly on the 26th of last month. I miss him beyond does the rest of the family. I grew to appreciate and welcome his sporatic visits to my house on the weekends...he'd always let himself in and seldom had much to say until after he had walked over and checked out my aquarium. While he was visiting he'd always make a point of asking about new additions and future plans.
I really miss those visits and being here at the house on a Sunday...alone...I keep waiting for the backdoor to open and for Pop to stride in....
Here is a 12 pak dedicated to Pop.....
this is his favorite of all the great grand kids....Nevaeh....checking out the aquarium.

nm reef

Active Member
Primarily because of pop I always keep a area clear on both ends for peeks down the length

nm reef

Active Member
These next five pics are from around the 1st of last month....the tank was barely a year old.....pop would always wonder where that colorful little fish was.....

nm reef

Active Member
He couldn't believe the diversity of the corals I was starting to add.....and was shocked when I got a delievery from a east coast friend shortly before Christmas.....he couldn't believe folks would spend the money/time/effort to over night corals as a part of the hobby.

nm reef

Active Member
At first he didn't much care for the 'sticks" I was adding...but each time he visited he'd comment on how they looked more colorful...or how they had grown so much...I think he was coming around to appreciating them more.

nm reef

Active Member
He remembered from his youth....while in the military...on snorkel dives that some fish like this were dangerous...yup pop...and now we can keep them safely in home displays.

nm reef

Active Member
He was always in awe of the clams and would often tell me about seeing huge clams on dives....
To tell the truth pop was a major motivation behind my desire to add a couple of clams.

nm reef

Active Member
He'd often comment about how the fish would gather up at the they knew they were being watched....or maybe acting as if they wanted to be fed...

salty cheese

Active Member
Sorry for your loss, I dread that day.
I'll be calling my mother now and seeing how her day was, there are fewer days ahead than there are behind now.:nervous:


You have such an admirable talent for entwining your "personal" life into this hobby. I am sorry to hear about your "pop" but I am glad that you have many memories of him right there in your own successes.
To tell the truth pop was a major motivation behind my desire to add a couple of clams.
I hope he remains to be that motivation.
And as always,
beautiful pics... and sentiments!


That was awesome i hope everyone appreciates there dad as you did
p.s. hope one day my tank looks as good as yours