Originally Posted by
Unidentified Hermit
I have no clue as to the ID on these guys. I came across these in a batch of blue leg hermits, so I assume they are from the Carribbean. I have seen them offered for sale (CHEAP), labled as "right handed hermits" at a website dedicated to critters from the Florida Keys. I'd hazard a guess that they stay small, similar to blue legs. The ones I have are all in Cerithium shells.
One claw is way LONGER than the other. Their legs are also longer than average. They are mostly colorless, with thin tannish bands on their legs.
I like to call these: "Albino Blood-Sucking Spiders from Mars". Kind of creepy looking, they are a VERY active hermit and can move pretty darn fast. They are aggressive and do a great job of eating detritus and micro algae from the live rock.
I came across one of these guys at my LFS last night. I was ready to take him home, when the LFS guy told me they are certainly not reef safe and are mad carnivores. They are collected by filling pantyhose with meat and elaving it underwater for 24-36 hours. then the collectors come back with a pantyhose fuilled with hermits.
You may spot feed them, but one they they will get bored and attack your corals. or so i was told.
They look great in person, but too bog a risk with as many zoa's as I have in my tank.