HEY BANG!!! does this look about right??

crypt keeper

Active Member
this is the most amazing thread on this site. Unreal information. Raising babies. its awesome! Congrats to all on the babies!


Active Member
Originally Posted by divernm
now for a few questions:
I added baby brine shrimp to the tank this morning along with the rotifers how long do I keep using the rotifers?
also I am still leaving the light on all the time, at what point do I start cycling it off at night?
thanks ahead of time for you help you guys have really helped make this try successful.

i used them until they were eating the brine well enough to be the only food source. it did not take long before they were looking for the bigger meals

rod buehle

Originally Posted by oceana
i used them until they were eating the brine well enough to be the only food source. it did not take long before they were looking for the bigger meals
Yeah, me too. I usually start with BBS at day 5-6 and quit with rotifers at 8-9. I have at times had issues with low rotifer densities and started with BBS much earlier (day 2-3)and still had some success (with percs).. 10-20 survivors instead of 100-200. Once I am confident that they are all eating brine, I start (very slowly) weening to frozen and usually all eating frozen by 2 weeks but I still offer BBS.


New Member
oceana, rod thanks for the help, I started them on bbs thursday day 5 they are all eating bbs now only one has a mix of silver and orange in his stomach the rest are pretty much ignoring the rotifers and just eating the bbs. most or starting to morph (day 8) and one already has his first head strip. so far have only lost one to the morph process, he is not dead but he is swimming upside down most of the time he is also not very active just hovers mid tank upside down, he will chase and eat bbs his stomach is full he just does not seem to know how to swim.
I took them out of the fry tank today and put them in a new 10 gallon since a new batch of fry will be hatching out Thursday or Friday and I wanted to get the tank clean and ready for them.
I have them in a 10 gallon with a bio filter turned way down for now and heater, I covered the bio filters intake with a foam sleeve so they would not get sucked up into it.
it has been nine day since they hatched and I have had them under 24/7 lighting I was going to turn the lights off for the first time tonight, is that a good or bad Idea, if it is a bad one then when should I start a normal day and night light cycle.
thanks again for all the help,


New Member
they all made it though the night all of them have morph now for the most part they all look like small fish. at lights on they went back to hunting and eating.
and even upside down (what my daughter calls the one that seems to not know how to swim) is still alive and eating, just doing it upside down.

I have a pound of golden pearls I acquired from a friend. both 50-100 micron and 100-200 micron. would that make a good first "crushed flake" food or should I just crush up some flake food and use it?

rod buehle

the 50 - 100 may be too small, but 100-200 might work.
I never use any flake. I have used the GPs. Also liked frozen cyclope-eeze. I now use a frozen coral food that contains all sizes of GPs,, cyclops, and many other ingredients that works well for fry.
Lights.. I start with a natural photo period from day 1 so I would say that you would be OK going with a natural photoperiod.
Good luck


New Member
I tried the 100-200 gp and they took to them with no problem, they actual went after them faster then they do the bbs.
the grim reaper of morph hit last night and I lost four of my little guys but the other 13 are still going good all but one has his head strip so I am keeping my fingers crossed on the rest of them
upside down is still upside down but hanging in there

thanks again for the help


Hi guys I have read the whole thread and wow. Just a few questions I have. First I would like to raise Rots not for clowns but for my corals, and mandarins etc. Down the road maybe for clowns but not now. I am ok buying rotifer egg cultures, hatching them out and just feeding them roti rich alone? I have a 90 gallon and a 65 gallon reef so I also would like some input on how much I need to keep going or what size tank I should start with? Tank size, water flow etc. I have read that it's easier to buy rotifer food than to try to keep nutritious green water going. I don't anticipate needing the large amounts needed in the thread. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by biggdriver
Hi guys I have read the whole thread and wow. Just a few questions I have. First I would like to raise Rots not for clowns but for my corals, and mandarins etc. Down the road maybe for clowns but not now. I am ok buying rotifer egg cultures, hatching them out and just feeding them roti rich alone? I have a 90 gallon and a 65 gallon reef so I also would like some input on how much I need to keep going or what size tank I should start with? Tank size, water flow etc. I have read that it's easier to buy rotifer food than to try to keep nutritious green water going. I don't anticipate needing the large amounts needed in the thread. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
you can just get a ten gallon tank and start your culture. you can keep it going with rotirich no problem. you will want to keep cleaning out the culture though necasue even in a ten gallon you wont use even close to all that will be produced and it could crash. for most if it not feasable tokeep a culture just just for feeding tha personal tank. can be done for sure but a bit more work then its worth IMO


New Member
I just posted a thread describing my attempt at breeding...sounds like you guys have some experience...if you have any advice about my gold banded maroons - I'd appreciate it. Thanks.