oceana, rod thanks for the help, I started them on bbs thursday day 5 they are all eating bbs now only one has a mix of silver and orange in his stomach the rest are pretty much ignoring the rotifers and just eating the bbs. most or starting to morph (day 8) and one already has his first head strip. so far have only lost one to the morph process, he is not dead but he is swimming upside down most of the time he is also not very active just hovers mid tank upside down, he will chase and eat bbs his stomach is full he just does not seem to know how to swim.
I took them out of the fry tank today and put them in a new 10 gallon since a new batch of fry will be hatching out Thursday or Friday and I wanted to get the tank clean and ready for them.
I have them in a 10 gallon with a bio filter turned way down for now and heater, I covered the bio filters intake with a foam sleeve so they would not get sucked up into it.
it has been nine day since they hatched and I have had them under 24/7 lighting I was going to turn the lights off for the first time tonight, is that a good or bad Idea, if it is a bad one then when should I start a normal day and night light cycle.
thanks again for all the help,