Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!


New Member
Ooo gotcha! Whats so bad about the magnum 350s? o.o I always thought they did pretty good in tanks I've seen


LOL...I have 2 Magnum 350's......ONe feeds a flow bar on my 225G SW tank
the other filters the 46G FW Cichlid tank.....have never had an issue....
I also suggested he use the filter that comes with it cause it will be fine at first.....he has months to go to get this tank ready before he can add anything living


New Member
Mmm, well, it seems I will just be staying with the filter included for a while. Now, I know SW setups get very heavy with all that sand/live rock...I currently do not have a stand for the 55, would a wrought iron stand be enough? Or would putting out the extra money for a wood stand be much more adequate?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by clocksta http:///forum/thread/384022/hey-everyone-info-needed-for-a-newbie/20#post_3362791
Mmm, well, it seems I will just be staying with the filter included for a while. Now, I know SW setups get very heavy with all that sand/live rock...I currently do not have a stand for the 55, would a wrought iron stand be enough? Or would putting out the extra money for a wood stand be much more adequate?
The metal stand is strong enough, and actually stronger than wood, but it isn't as pretty. Saltwater tanks are all about the beauty. I will tell you that unless you are a woodworking handy person don't build your own. Because it does have to sustain allot of weight and some hack job of a homemade stand is dangerous.


New Member
Yeah thats what I was thinking, maybe a nice shower curtain cut and held up with magnets or velcro.


New Member
Yeah, sounds like I got all the info I need, thanks to everyone! You guys/gals are great! Now I just need to start getting some money and supplies together, will let everyone know when I begin!!
On second thought, one more thing, does it work the same in a SW tank as a FW tank for stocking fish? roughly an inch/gal? Or does that not really work when it comes to a SW tank? I know I am VERY VERY VERY FAR from stocking or even setting up my tank, but I just want to look at fish online and research some fish that I might want in the future :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by clocksta http:///forum/thread/384022/hey-everyone-info-needed-for-a-newbie/20#post_3362930
Yeah, sounds like I got all the info I need, thanks to everyone! You guys/gals are great! Now I just need to start getting some money and supplies together, will let everyone know when I begin!!
On second thought, one more thing, does it work the same in a SW tank as a FW tank for stocking fish? roughly an inch/gal? Or does that not really work when it comes to a SW tank? I know I am VERY VERY VERY FAR from stocking or even setting up my tank, but I just want to look at fish online and research some fish that I might want in the future :)
IMO, the inch of fish rule definitely does not apply to stock a SW tank. I would find a "must have" fish (compatible with your tank's size), and other possible fish and we can help narrow down your list.


New Member
Well, in that case, clown fish is a MUST. My girlfriend would kill me if I started a SW tank and didn't get her at least one! Lol.


Active Member
That's a start. It is pretty easy to build a stocking list around that. I would look into a book called marine fishes and the conscientious marine aquarist. While you are getting the tank set up and have it cycling, you can look at these books and see some other fish that you would like to have in your tank. I think I detect a reef tank in your future.


New Member
:) Definately will be a reef tank in my future! I have always wanted one but don't want to go all out my first try. I was thinking that if everything goes well with this 55 this year then I will possibly give a reef tank a shot in 2012 :) Maybe a 75. And I will definately check out the books for sure! Thank you guys so much!


New Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/384022/hey-everyone-info-needed-for-a-newbie/20#post_3362956
That's a start. It is pretty easy to build a stocking list around that. I would look into a book called marine fishes and the conscientious marine aquarist. While you are getting the tank set up and have it cycling, you can look at these books and see some other fish that you would like to have in your tank. I think I detect a reef tank in your future.
These books pack alot of info. You'll never regret owning them.