Hey everyone, what do you think of my tank so far?


Well, here are some pics of my new tank with the mirrors. It still have a ton more to do to it. I dont even have lights yet, just some n.o. strip lights. I am also going thru the algae boom becuase it is only like a month old. For a newbie I think the tank and the construction of the mirrored wall is coming out good so far. What do yo guys think? Give me your honest opinion and suggestions. I already know I desperatley need the lights for it.:D


Wow!!! That is a really nice setup congrats!!!
Take some pics of how you have the filtration setup and so forth to give others some ideas :)


MMYNC - Don't make me come down there and say
"Good Job" in person.
:D Thomas :D


Just got my Aerofoamer skimmer, cant wait to hook up this sweet looking skimmer. I am currently accepting donations for mh's for my tank and I do accpet personal checks. Lol. I am glad I came across this great new hobby of mine. I am having a great time with it:)


Staff member
Really nice. Good job! What kind of rock is that you are using? What type of tank are you setting up?


Very nice! I hope it looks as good 3 months from now, you know algea and other stuff! Reality check:eek:


Sorry that I havent been able to post all the equipment that I am running on here yet, but I have been just so busy. But I will as soon as I can. I have a brand new aerofoamer skimmer that I just got and I havent even had time to hook that up yet..:( Also thanks everyone so much for all the nice things that you have said about my new tank so far, it means so much to me, I really didnt even want to post any pics yet, because I was kinda scared and afraid of the responses I would get on it because I am such a newbie. This is my first tank and its only like 4 weeks old, and I only have normal output lights on it so far. But believe me without everyones help and advice I would probably have a 5 gallon feshwater tank with hot pink and flourescent green gravel in it with a treasure chest and sunken ship in it.:)


Active Member
Hey it looks great!! At first when you said mirrors, I thought you put them on the back of the tank, and thought ut oh....then I saw the pics and thats a nice ars looking job/tank!!! Cool idea. Keep us posted, thats the first I have seen with that look (mirrors) since I been on here. Nice job :D