Hey jr2857 post your pics!


oh know i understand. obviously he is new to the hobby and i appreciate the input from everyone. i think its rad everyone is giving him advice, i just think its so pointless that cartman started this thread when its obvious that he really just wanted to rag on the kid. so, i wanted to see his tank thats all.


Originally Posted by psusocr1
jr used to be mean to me but now him and i are friends. he is like a new person
I agree with you think think he can be a reall nice person. And i hope we become best friends forever.


The Tank is a 75 gal soon to be moveing into a larger system just gotta find the tank im looking for.......im thinking of building a much large reef in the 250-500 gal range or do a FOWLR in that range not sure yet......but by the begining of summer i will have what ever im after


really, i love it. sohal tangs are so awesome. im all about big tangs...i guess that sounds weird...haha anyway looks really good. still waitin on CARTMAN!


Originally Posted by bigpete
really, i love it. sohal tangs are so awesome. im all about big tangs...i guess that sounds weird...haha anyway looks really good. still waitin on CARTMAN!
Im a fan of tangs i wish i would have started with a larger tank..........reefs can expand so easy......... my tank for example.......lol


Jr, your tank reminds me of my first tank when I was 9-ish.
I used to love sharks as well and kept all the Balas, Red-tails, silver-tips, blacks and rainbows i could get my hands on. Its a good start. The science of this hobby can by a little tricky. I know you want to progress into SW shark-keeping, but focus on where you are right now. If you already have a brackish tank, my advice would be to make it the best brackish tank you can. There are cool little brackish puffers you can get that are fairly small and docile. And best of all, it's easier. It takes at least a degree of financial independance and (often to a lesser degree as seen on many a post) a certain level of maturity to do a SW tank right. It takes a lot of discipline to train yourself in being responsible for another life.
You're caught up in this right now, and its fun...I was the same way. I would never discourage you from the SW thing, but take the right steps towards that - if you have a FW tank, master the FW sciences behind that hobby. Then, if you have a brackish tank, master the sciences behind that. Then you can move on to fish only SW, then reefs, and finally niche tanks. You've got tunnel vision right now, as do many people who like this hobby...don't forget to have a little fun outside the hobby - interact with your friends or pick a sport. :cheer:
From your post, I assume you had a clownfish in a brackish tank. Probably not the best idea. Next time you are at your LFS, ask the attendant to order you some cool brackish fish and make your brackish tank the best you can. Good luck in the future!


Originally Posted by DennyCrane
Jr, your tank reminds me of my first tank when I was 9-ish.
I used to love sharks as well and kept all the Balas, Red-tails, silver-tips, blacks and rainbows i could get my hands on. Its a good start. The science of this hobby can by a little tricky. I know you want to progress into SW shark-keeping, but focus on where you are right now. If you already have a brackish tank, my advice would be to make it the best brackish tank you can. There are cool little brackish puffers you can get that are fairly small and docile. And best of all, it's easier. It takes at least a degree of financial independance and (often to a lesser degree as seen on many a post) a certain level of maturity to do a SW tank right. It takes a lot of discipline to train yourself in being responsible for another life.
You're caught up in this right now, and its fun...I was the same way. I would never discourage you from the SW thing, but take the right steps towards that - if you have a FW tank, master the FW sciences behind that hobby. Then, if you have a brackish tank, master the sciences behind that. Then you can move on to fish only SW, then reefs, and finally niche tanks. You've got tunnel vision right now, as do many people who like this hobby...don't forget to have a little fun outside the hobby - interact with your friends or pick a sport. :cheer:
From your post, I assume you had a clownfish in a brackish tank. Probably not the best idea. Next time you are at your LFS, ask the attendant to order you some cool brackish fish and make your brackish tank the best you can. Good luck in the future!

That is an excellent idea!


Great reply DennyCrane!!!!

JR2857...keep doing what you're doing and keep that great enthusiasm for the hobby. Some day you will have a great reef tank. Be patient and keep asking those questions. Nice shark by the way!!!


Originally Posted by Cartman101
Sorry, I think I embarassed Jr.

I don’t think it is funny to embarrass him - he is a 12 year old kid from what he says in other posts - and he obviously studies what he talks about - knowledge is everything. For a Kid who is 12 to have that much information and desire to help people is great. He may not be ready for SW or may not have the funds.
I think DennyCrane said it best - you cant fault a kid for trying - AND if he was ashamed of his tank he wouldn’t have posted pictures - how many people on here constantly state my camera is broken when asked to post pictures - at least he posted


Active Member
thanks for the complements and advice everyone. i'm so glad i found this site or i would know nearly nothing.
now time to answer all of your questions. in my next posts


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
thats not ur main tank stop playin that looks like the colombian catfish witch is freshwater.
the main tank.i know it sucks
it's a brackish water tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
wait a second jr?? im confused :notsure:
you dont evan have a saltwater tank?

and if thats saltwater since i remember you talking about brackish fish , thats all you have? :thinking: you sure give alot of advice
yes it saltwater at a salinity at 1.020. i know i give out alot of advice. i've done loads of reaserch. everyday after school i go onto this site and then do my homework


Active Member
o it is thats kool just try to save money or even ask ur mom say ill do whatever u want me to if i can get a bigger tank.