Hey jr2857 post your pics!


Active Member
me and my dad in the summer are gonna buy a swimming pool and use it as a tank. it's going to be inside though


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jr i us to do the same i just got a computer last year i was in the 8th grade at the time so i would go to this website and be like i want a username.lol


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Originally Posted by DennyCrane
Jr, your tank reminds me of my first tank when I was 9-ish.
I used to love sharks as well and kept all the Balas, Red-tails, silver-tips, blacks and rainbows i could get my hands on. Its a good start. The science of this hobby can by a little tricky. I know you want to progress into SW shark-keeping, but focus on where you are right now. If you already have a brackish tank, my advice would be to make it the best brackish tank you can. There are cool little brackish puffers you can get that are fairly small and docile. And best of all, it's easier. It takes at least a degree of financial independance and (often to a lesser degree as seen on many a post) a certain level of maturity to do a SW tank right. It takes a lot of discipline to train yourself in being responsible for another life.
You're caught up in this right now, and its fun...I was the same way. I would never discourage you from the SW thing, but take the right steps towards that - if you have a FW tank, master the FW sciences behind that hobby. Then, if you have a brackish tank, master the sciences behind that. Then you can move on to fish only SW, then reefs, and finally niche tanks. You've got tunnel vision right now, as do many people who like this hobby...don't forget to have a little fun outside the hobby - interact with your friends or pick a sport. :cheer:
From your post, I assume you had a clownfish in a brackish tank. Probably not the best idea. Next time you are at your LFS, ask the attendant to order you some cool brackish fish and make your brackish tank the best you can. Good luck in the future!

clown died of ick. the trites were a little high


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Originally Posted by psusocr1
pete, im just tryin to help him out...if i were closer i would give him my spare 55 gallon that im not using
i think jr is turning a new leaf
really??? i would love to take it but gotta check with parents and you. where do you live?


Active Member
no offense but thats boring u can only look throught the top of it and u would have to swim in it to get dead fish out i mean that would be kool u could swim in it with ur fish.


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Originally Posted by Ohioguy06
Thought id toss in a couple more close ups for everyone!
awesome tank ohioguy


hey jr2857 get some live rock a royal gramma some clown fish and a cleaner shrimp
and some soft corals and have a awsome tank get a emerald crab too


also jr2857 if your nirates get high get some ph buffer it reallyb works


Active Member
my plan is to get the catfish out. get like 40pounds of live rock get an sfe. add corals inverts and stuff. then once the sfe gets to big make it a reef


Active Member
Jr i dont know anything about that catfish/shark you have in your tank i knows its alive in sw if your truthful(not calling you a liar just stating what i know from what you have stated).
catfish are a type of shark or at least related to so no matter there.what i suggest you do is hold off on the pipe dreams of having that humungous tank for now work with what you have now.if hes already addapted to the sw and doing fine why remove him? i would just add some more sand and slowly add in some LR dont put too much in too soon you dont want amonia levels to rise to fast. take it slow dont rush things.your 12 yrs old you have a lifetime to get the tank of your dreams.I happen to have almost the tank of hubbies dreams but his dreams keep gettiing bigger and my work of maintaining it is getting more and more.yes huge tanks can be cool to look at but when your one paying the bills to keep it going and maintaining it .its not as much fun.dont get me wrong i love my tanks but your young you should be outside having some fun too not taking all of your spare time maintaning a fish tank.I rescently set up a 10 gal sw tank for my 13 yr old he thought it would be cool to have my hobby ya know something to bond us closer.well i did some of the work and let him take over his clowns died with 2 weeks and the lawnmower blenny he had ended up in my 300 for safe keeping.keeping sw fish is alot harder than you may think and much more work. work with what you have to work with .pipe dreams are not impressive to anyone you dont have to try and compete with im gonna gets or i wanna get.use the knowledge you have learned and make due with what is reasonable and truly in your reach.thats impressive in this hobby


Well said Unleashed. The Columbian shark will eventually need to be removed though when it gets bigger. AS unleashed said take it slow.


Active Member
i know i'm going a little fast a few months ago. i don't plan on getting that humungous tank soon either. i plan on moving those fish out back to a freshwater/brackish soon. i was just testing them in there for a while to make sure i can add sw fish. also i want to give away two tiger oscars in chicago area. i think i can drop it off at the taker's house. no smaller than 55 preferably. i have em in a 29 but they will outgrow that soon. can some please take em.


Originally Posted by jr2857
i know i'm going a little fast a few months ago. i don't plan on getting that humungous tank soon either. i plan on moving those fish out back to a freshwater/brackish soon. i was just testing them in there for a while to make sure i can add sw fish. also i want to give away two tiger oscars in chicago area. i think i can drop it off at the taker's house. no smaller than 55 preferably. i have em in a 29 but they will outgrow that soon. can some please take em.
Not trying to come down on you jr........ Oscars need a larger system than that. i have two full growns that live out doors during the summer in a so to say koi pond(oscar pond) and that is in the 400 gal range..... not saying they need that large but for 2 oscars at full grown length need a 125 or larger. JMO


And during the winter i keep them in a old cast iron tub that has been converted to the holding tank for winter..............