Active Member
ok heres an update
I was waiting on a venturi valve from my LFS and finnaly got it a few days ago (kent 3/4). well that was kind of a waste of time as it was restricting the water flow(gph) back into the chamber. So I removed it took a piece of 3/4 pvc drilled a hole and threaded a 1/4 slip fitting on it to bring in air.That worked out nice. i get very good bubble accumulation the only problem is i dont have the volume/pressure. I get enough bubbles to the top but not enough to get it into the collection cup.I need to some how get it to recurculate faster.hope this is not to confusing.
I will be working on it more during the next week or two. but any ideas are appreciated
I was waiting on a venturi valve from my LFS and finnaly got it a few days ago (kent 3/4). well that was kind of a waste of time as it was restricting the water flow(gph) back into the chamber. So I removed it took a piece of 3/4 pvc drilled a hole and threaded a 1/4 slip fitting on it to bring in air.That worked out nice. i get very good bubble accumulation the only problem is i dont have the volume/pressure. I get enough bubbles to the top but not enough to get it into the collection cup.I need to some how get it to recurculate faster.hope this is not to confusing.
I will be working on it more during the next week or two. but any ideas are appreciated