Hey Turningtim


Active Member
ok heres an update
I was waiting on a venturi valve from my LFS and finnaly got it a few days ago (kent 3/4). well that was kind of a waste of time as it was restricting the water flow(gph) back into the chamber. So I removed it took a piece of 3/4 pvc drilled a hole and threaded a 1/4 slip fitting on it to bring in air.That worked out nice. i get very good bubble accumulation the only problem is i dont have the volume/pressure. I get enough bubbles to the top but not enough to get it into the collection cup.I need to some how get it to recurculate faster.hope this is not to confusing.
I will be working on it more during the next week or two. but any ideas are appreciated


Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit http:///forum/post/2465331
ok heres an update
I was waiting on a venturi valve from my LFS and finnaly got it a few days ago (kent 3/4). well that was kind of a waste of time as it was restricting the water flow(gph) back into the chamber. So I removed it took a piece of 3/4 pvc drilled a hole and threaded a 1/4 slip fitting on it to bring in air.That worked out nice. i get very good bubble accumulation the only problem is i dont have the volume/pressure. I get enough bubbles to the top but not enough to get it into the collection cup.I need to some how get it to recurculate faster.hope this is not to confusing.
I will be working on it more during the next week or two. but any ideas are appreciated
Try doing the mesh mod on that mag12.
I've got some Enkamt PF4. I think it will do the trick, if more air is what you want.


Active Member
Well i got it working very very well. It is pulling out really dark green sludge.Its almost black.The foam is a little wetter then what i had hoped for but im sure i can tweak it a bit more.I was using my water change bucket to test and run the unit (30 gal containter). I took about 16 oz of sludge from my DT skimmer (aqua medic turbo floater) and put it in my 30 gal water change drum and it pulled it out in about 2o minutes (i know its a lot smaller then my DT which is 220 but it was a good test.
Im running a mag 2 into it throttled down to about 125 to 150 (its only a guess cause the valve is turned la little bit before half way.
I will post some pics as soon as i have it all glued together, probley in the next day or 2
This whole project cost me about 75 bucks.It would have cost me more if i didnt have most of the other parts on hand from other projects.
I also had to waste 30 gallons of salt water to test.
Hey turningtim thanks for the info and help