Hi-couple of questions


New Member
I just started a Tomm 3 gallon nano, I have crushed coral on botttom and live rock above it with lots of hiding places. I have a skunk cleaner and a tiny goby. Both are doing great. I am going to put zoos and snails in next week. Do I have to feed the zoos anything special. I also was going to put christmas tree worms in a few weeks.
Any input would be really appreciated.


New Member
Oh when I mean just started, the tank has cycled and i am starting to introduce little creatures


Well let me first say welcome to SWF :)
you do not have to feed zoas anything special....how about a pic of your tank


New Member
It's a clown goby, he or she is super cool orange face with brownish purple body and turquoise stripes on face, he is really timid. The lights are on for about 12-14 hrs a day usually 8 on my days off, i'm using omega one natural protein formula marine flakes with garlic. And thks I'll start picking some out, the zoos are really cool but i cant get camera to focus.


OK...Suggestions here for you....get a timer for the lights, and keep them on a more regular schedule....what type of lights do you have? (actinics and white...just white???)
Flake foods are not the best....keep it as a snack maybe 1x a week....and with one fish...lol...you might need 1 flake....get some frozen mysis, marine cuisine, emerald entree...any of those are much more nutritious foods...and with one tiny goby you only need a pinch

tang master

If you could afford a $50 tube worm id definitely go for a coco-worm. but make sure your tank is stable first. gotta love cheap flake foods but i gotta agree with meowzer...go frozen or freeze dried mysis, etc. and meowzer if i remember right the toms deco kit comes with a 50/50 bulb. for sure get a timer for your tank tho...they can be got at lowes or home depot for like 4 or 5 bucks. NICE START!!


New Member
Thks peoples, yes it is the 50/50 light and didn't realize about the food. Where can get frozen mysis and what is it? I also have a timer I just need to find it. Oh and coco huh, I'll have to check those out. Also, what can I put in my tank to help with the algae, I put 3 snails in today but they are really tiny. Can my bio load handle anything else.


What kind of snails....You can not rely on a clean up crew alone to treat the algae.....first you have to find out why you have it....
Changing the food should help....mysis is a tiny shrimp frozen in a cube
any fish store should have it....

tang master

well...the most likely cause of your algae growth is that your lighting schedule is to long and not stable. try to cut your light down to no more than 6 hrs a day to snuff out the algae. coco-worm: http://www.oceansgarden.com/images/3...mdemartini.jpg
You can get cerith snails, and nassarius snails help alot too. you can have up to 8 snails in there to be safe. emerald crabs do an excellent job at algae growth as well. good luck!


Originally Posted by 5444j
Thks tang, can u recommend where I could get some of those.
Any of your local fish stores should have them....If you are like me, and have no LFS, you can order them online....for instance this site sells them

tang master

yeah i agree with meowzer. there are alot of places to get them where i live but they are usually in stock here on swf.com. Be sure to come back and post pictures and what not when your all set up. =)


New Member
Couple things, will a emerald crab eat my zoos and my shrimp has molted already and I found him eating my goby. I never saw the goby eat maybe he cldnt handle the shock of going from a big tank to a small one.


If your emerald crab is hungry, YES...it will try to eat other stuff....I have lots of emeralds, and I keep them well fed. I have NEVER had one eat any polyps/corals
What kind of shrimp do you have? More than likely the goby was sick or dead, and the shrimp is eating the remains