New Member
Hi, I new to SW fish and it aquarium but always loved seeing them. I been lurking around couple of website learned alot but still have alot of specific question and neec your help.
I am living in an apartment and planing to get RedSea Max 250 or another brand from Spain but I didnt get the name but the dimension is about 120x50x50 cm3. The spainish brand accessiblity is transpart sliding gate, which gives you alot of good view even on top of the tank if feel it a shame if this tanks isnt used as reef tank. My area is usally very hot in the summer, reached this summer 50c that is about 120f. But thank God for AC.
I alway want a trigger and seen a big beuatiful clown trigger That looked very peaceful with the damsel and another fish cant remeber but I hear it needs much bigger tanks than both of the tanks about. so my first question could you put only 1 big clow trigger in the tanks with 2 smaller fish in begin? I hear the less crowded the less agressive.
I tried to search for a person who has only one fish in the tanks but didnt quiet work it in google.
I am living in an apartment and planing to get RedSea Max 250 or another brand from Spain but I didnt get the name but the dimension is about 120x50x50 cm3. The spainish brand accessiblity is transpart sliding gate, which gives you alot of good view even on top of the tank if feel it a shame if this tanks isnt used as reef tank. My area is usally very hot in the summer, reached this summer 50c that is about 120f. But thank God for AC.
I alway want a trigger and seen a big beuatiful clown trigger That looked very peaceful with the damsel and another fish cant remeber but I hear it needs much bigger tanks than both of the tanks about. so my first question could you put only 1 big clow trigger in the tanks with 2 smaller fish in begin? I hear the less crowded the less agressive.
I tried to search for a person who has only one fish in the tanks but didnt quiet work it in google.