I have a 85, that is really close.
1) are you planning on having a reef, or a fish only tank?
2) are you planing on having LR?
3) when these fish get bigger, are you planing on putting them in a bigger tank?
4) in a 75, you can not have 2 tangs. Tangs are grazing fish that are herbivours. 2 of them would be over crowding the tank.
5) The trigger, depends. If you dont want a reef, and you just want a trigger and some LR, and maybe an eel, that would be good for a 75, only if you are planing on getting another tank when they get bigger.
4-5 HUGE fish is really pushing it for a 75. You could get 1 tang, and a bi-color, some Lr, and some corals, and maybe a pair of clowns. that would be the best.
6) Or, you could get a SMALL trigger, and a SMALL eel, and some Lr, that would be good. Just remember in about 1-2 years, you will have to get a much bigger tank, like a 150 gallon.
All those fish you want, get huge, And unless you are planing to get another tank, the only fish that will work in your case is the yellow eyed tang, and the bi-color angle fish, and a pair of clowns. What do you want, reef, or fish only?