
ok i was just wondering does ne 1 have a 75 gallon tank?
because i am haveing trouble deciding what to put in it, i like angels so can i put 1. bi-color
1. or 2. tangs
I have a 85, that is really close.
1) are you planning on having a reef, or a fish only tank?
2) are you planing on having LR?
3) when these fish get bigger, are you planing on putting them in a bigger tank?
4) in a 75, you can not have 2 tangs. Tangs are grazing fish that are herbivours. 2 of them would be over crowding the tank.
5) The trigger, depends. If you dont want a reef, and you just want a trigger and some LR, and maybe an eel, that would be good for a 75, only if you are planing on getting another tank when they get bigger.
4-5 HUGE fish is really pushing it for a 75. You could get 1 tang, and a bi-color, some Lr, and some corals, and maybe a pair of clowns. that would be the best.
6) Or, you could get a SMALL trigger, and a SMALL eel, and some Lr, that would be good. Just remember in about 1-2 years, you will have to get a much bigger tank, like a 150 gallon.
All those fish you want, get huge, And unless you are planing to get another tank, the only fish that will work in your case is the yellow eyed tang, and the bi-color angle fish, and a pair of clowns. What do you want, reef, or fish only?


thanxs, i am going for a fish only set up and the info that u gave me above helped ALITTLE, u didnt mension the angels, do u thing that in a FOLWLR that i could have a 2 angels, i dont care what kind i like them all, 1. tang, and a trigger or a dog face puffer.
thanxs, if i cant 1 or two tell me which 1s and if u could make a list like u did last time
Well, for one you cant have 2 angles in the same tank. They will fight and the stronger one, will win the fight <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> . so, you cant have 2 angles.
Heres what you could get for a 75:
1) a small yellow eyed tang
2) a small bi-color angle fish or any other DWARF angle fishes.
3) A small dogface puffer or a blue/green spoted puffer. If you go with the dogface, you will have to get a 100 gallon sooner or later when it gets bigger.
4) the trigger will just get too big, some can get up to 2" in the wild <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
5) you should also have some sort of rock in the tank not only for decoration, but to proide a hiding place as well for the fish. Hope this helped


Active Member
well, here is a little more info, figure the adult size of your fish,a nd then target 1 inch per 5 gallons, this is a prety safe rule, you may be able to exceed it a bit, but not to the limits you seek, go for that rule and then as they mature and you are seing how your tank reacts(water quality) then maybe you could add a little more)
Yes, fshhub is right. 1 inch per 5 gallons, and the MAX could be well, 1 inch per 3-4 gallons. The fish are small when you buy them, but they will just get bigger. SW fish are not like FW fish. FW fish stop growing when they feel crowded, but SW fish just keep growing. Go with my idea above with those fish, that would be the best. Smaller fish tend to be the best when adding new fish. Adults tend to be a little more agrresive and wont eat sometimes for no reason. I hope this helped a bit.
It's how ever many fish are in your tank, big or small. Just add up ALL the inches of fish, and you got it. Simple as that...
And anthem, fshub is spelled like this: fshhub


for sum reason every time i am trying to ask a question sum 1 butts in ei,CoRVETTE
when i put a post out all that i want is a reasponce because i have just started out and want the fish to get the best enviorment possible in my tank. so plz, i dont want this to sound like i dont want ne reasponce ne more because i want all that u can give but i dont want people who r going to get pissed when i ask more than 1 persons advice.
( i dont want them to arge withme) only if i am right is when they should do that!
Im not getting your point fishmanmn. Also, nobody should be arguing with anyody. This is a place where all of us get along. And as far as butting in, it will always happen sometimes. There is no reason to get upset or argue at all about it. So, lets get on and talk about REEF RELATED topics. Peace out :)


please dont just read this andnot put a responce thanxs- is what i wrote and smart ass corvette wrote- u said dont leave with out writing a reasponce soi didnt bye.
why the hell would u do that
Fishmammn, there is no reason at all to get mad. Lets stop acting like 3 year olds now and get on. All of us get mad sometimes, and it is ok, just either keep it to yourself, you e-mail hi/her if you want. Ok? Just try not to have everyone involved with you and CorVETTE. Now, lets get on with life and talk about what we are here for, REEFS!


then so when you said that equation you reffered that icould get a fishthat grew no more than 15 inches, so why cani not get a dog face puffer and thats it or navarcus angel and thats it?
No. What i meant was you can get different fish in the tank lets say you had these fish:
bi-clor angle
Dog face puffer
blue tang
Yu would see how many inches of fish that is total:
bi-color angle fish-3 inches
Dog face puffer-4 inches
Tang-5 inches
You add them up and you have 12 inches of fish. Now, you can still add any fish 3 inches. But just remember, these fish will grow...
Yes, if you just want those, GET BOTH! The dog face will grow up to 7 inches MAX, and the ang;w will grow up to 7-8 MAX, that would be perfect. Also, add 60 pounds of LR for them to have a place to sleep and hide. Make sure you make really big holes in the LR for the fish to swim through. Also, get the dog face and angle while they are really small. Just trust me on that one. I hope i helped.