hide and wont eat


hello i have had my first marine fish which is a damel and it still wont eat still i have to try and get the food out becuase i dont want it to do anything to my tank and it still hideing wont come out any ideas ??


Active Member
How long since you added the fish?
How long has the tank been set up?
What are you trying to feed it?
What else is in the tank?


it has been cycled so if thats what your getting at i have cheked the water by the pet shop many of times be4 i added this fish in so its been cycled there is nothing esle in the tank and its been in there for about 3 days


my local fish shop i go to have signs up say must have water test be4 we are able to sell you any fish


Active Member
I have found that most new fish do not respond well to flake food initally. Maybe try some frozen food, and if worse comes to worse, try some live brine to get the fish to come out of hiding.
By the way, are there really stores out there with signs like that? How do they do water tests for each customer buying fish? That's such a time consuming process to do for each livestock buying customer, it seems.


well after a while they know the people who go there and they manly just test peope they dont know pr esle they wont seell u the fish with out testing your water they know me really well cos i have 5 foot fresh water fish tank and i just cycled my marine tank just a week ago and just only added the damels fish in just to make sure that my tank was cycled thorw in any case it eating the agley for the wall for some reson it lost some of it coliurs the first day now its colurs are bright as ever really dark blue and yellow but still wont come out of hiding i cant wait to i can get by tomato clown fish


no it doesnt cost you anything it only cost u a smile they sed yeah i saw it eating it cos its starting to go off the wall


ok i just feed the fish and soon as i put very little in i put sera granules granulated food it just feed just into the gravel as soon as i put it in there like how the hell is fish ment to be that quick this kinda get on neours my power head is just to fast and thorws it down there just like that


like now isnt is ganna be waste and turn into bad thinfgs now and this ganna be my falut right >? for having a power head that was bult in to the tank see u cant win if u have power head its to fast for the foods if u dont feed them they die and if u do feed them and your power head is just ganna move your food stright down to bottom u still didnt do it right


my just test my ammoinia levels yesterday they where at 0 but i just test it doesnt look like its at 0 but doesnt quite look like its at .025 i think its gone up a little bit i am not sure on whats happen what will happen now


you can turn your power heads off while you feed and then turn them back on once hes eaten the food


You only started cycling this up on 11-11-09..19 days ago... are you sure its cycled i read through your other post's...don't rush into this or you will just be wasting your time/money.. Have you added a CUC first before trying fish? If so what have you added and how are they doing ?


ok for the people who kept on asking me questions like are you sure you have completed your cycle yes i am sure i only tested it like every day and was still getting same reading of 0 and yes i did have ammiona and other things when my tank was yccling for the first 2 and half weeks ok i added bio balls from the aqaruium shop to help it cycle abit fast but if your all so worryied about it i get it tested again and see how its going after i added fish in ok and i did start the cycle be4 11.11.09 like 5 days before that ok and my damels is still alive i still it go down to gravel and look for food which i am sure there will be some down there its been in there for 4 days i am pretty sure that it woundnt be alive every time i tell my lfs about how u guys kept on going on about there things that i dont understand they just sed your tank is cycled mate we wont let u have fish without it beening cycled and as for all this stuff saying 4 weeks is to week for your tank to be cycled well i did it and i ched 4 times that they both both at 0 four times be4 i added the fish in what esle am i ment to do just sit there and look at the tank and so oh no i beeter not add any fish in for about oh i dont know mabye 8 years


Good luck with your tank david, Seems to me that you are unwilling to actually accept anyones help from this forum and also the local aussie one.
People here know what they are talking about and have tried to give you tips, if you are not willing to take the advice, you should probably unplug your tank now, or just stop asking for advice if you arent going to listen.
All up your tank took less than 4 weeks to cycle, it can take twice as long, if you are unwilling to go slow with a marine tank perhaps stick with fresh water. As everyone says, rushing does absolutely nothing for a marine tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by david12
ok for the people who kept on asking me questions like are you sure you have completed your cycle yes i am sure i only tested it like every day and was still getting same reading of 0 and yes i did have ammiona and other things when my tank was yccling for the first 2 and half weeks ok i added bio balls from the aqaruium shop to help it cycle abit fast but if your all so worryied about it i get it tested again and see how its going after i added fish in ok and i did start the cycle be4 11.11.09 like 5 days before that ok and my damels is still alive i still it go down to gravel and look for food which i am sure there will be some down there its been in there for 4 days i am pretty sure that it woundnt be alive every time i tell my lfs about how u guys kept on going on about there things that i dont understand they just sed your tank is cycled mate we wont let u have fish without it beening cycled and as for all this stuff saying 4 weeks is to week for your tank to be cycled well i did it and i ched 4 times that they both both at 0 four times be4 i added the fish in what esle am i ment to do just sit there and look at the tank and so oh no i beeter not add any fish in for about oh i dont know mabye 8 years

David, my recommendation is to NOT add anymore livestock and just let the tank settle for a few more weeks. It is very difficult to hear one thing from your local fish store, and then come on here and get different responses. Beyond being unopen to the advice given here, you should consider the fact that most everyone here has dealt with a "local fish store" who seems like your "best friend", but without a doubt...you should slow down.