High Alkalinity

very newbie

New Member
Hi everyone! Just a couple questions...My tank is now about 3 months old. It is 60 gallons and has only live rock and live sand. I just am not in any hurry to add anything else til it's the right time. Here are the readings for my last chemical tests: ph 8,0 alkalinity 13, nitrites 0, ammonia <.01. I am using a Tropic Marin test kit. Even the kit says my alkalinity is way off the chart high. They suggest that I Tropic Marin Alca-Balance to lower that alkalinity. What do you guys suggest? I had planned on adding a few cheap fish here soon, but now I am rethinking that. The book I'm reading suggests adding a few Mollies to get started. The forums suggest adding a clean up crew first, but I don't have any algea bloom yet. Now I'm not sure what to do.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Very Newbie
Hi everyone! Just a couple questions...My tank is now about 3 months old. It is 60 gallons and has only live rock and live sand. I just am not in any hurry to add anything else til it's the right time. Here are the readings for my last chemical tests: ph 8,0 alkalinity 13, nitrites 0, ammonia <.01. I am using a Tropic Marin test kit. Even the kit says my alkalinity is way off the chart high. They suggest that I Tropic Marin Alca-Balance to lower that alkalinity. What do you guys suggest? I had planned on adding a few cheap fish here soon, but now I am rethinking that. The book I'm reading suggests adding a few Mollies to get started. The forums suggest adding a clean up crew first, but I don't have any algea bloom yet. Now I'm not sure what to do.

As you top off your water with RO (reverse osmoses) water the alkalinity will drop on its own. So just leave it alone. There is nothing in the tank so quit stressing..LOL..there will be plenty of that later.
As for a few "cheap" fish. DON’T do that. The only "cheap" in price fish are fish like damsels and they are wicked mean when they mature.
Be very picky about the fish you chose as that will dictate what you can add later. Pick a fish you want for the long haul. So unless you want a molly, which you can have with a much cheaper freshwater aquarium, don’t buy mollies.
My first fish were a pair of Percula clowns.


Active Member
Have you had your numbers checked by the LFS or another reefer? Not familiar with the Tropic Marin test kits, but is it possible a bad reading? Mix a small batch of newly made saltwater and mix for 24hrs and see what reading your getting as well. Maybe it's just that batch of salt as well.

bang guy

Alkalinity is measured on a few different scales so you need to also indicate which scale your test kit measures.
I will assume 13dKH and say that's on the high side but not in a range where you have to do anything to bring it down.

very newbie

New Member
thanks for the info everyone. Our closest sw fish store is over an hour away. I will be there on Friday, so I was planning on taking a water sample with me. I'll quit stressing and start looking my fish options over--rather than get a cheap fish to start with! i won't be investing in the fish until I get a better reading, but I would love to start with a couple clowns! Sounds like they are pretty hardy and get along pretty well with other fish and reef safe if I decide to add that later. Any other fish suggestions?

very newbie

New Member
One more thing, I am about due to pick ups some more salt and have read that everyone has a favorite brand. Anyone here want to weigh in on what kind of salt to use?