High end Retail Salt a must ??


New Member
now doubt this question asked a zillion times by
new tank tin horns....do you have to buy the high priced
aquarium store salt vs cheaper regular salt at grocery store??
Many thanks to all

salty rick

In short, yes you do. You do need to use aquarium salt. Table salt may have impurities that could hurt the tank inahbitants and may not have the trace elements needed for a healthy tank. Why take a shortcut that may cause the death of expensive corals and fish.
There is an intital investment when you set it up. After that your not talking about a lot of money. After set up salt will only be needed for water changes.


buying actual aquarium salt takes a lot of guess work out. Put my ph right at 8.3 my alk was normal still added some kent buffer to be sure. I dont know of any other way