HILARIOUS Language Coincidences


Active Member
Perhaps some of you 'tough skinned' people can teach the rest of the world what they shouldn't be offended by.
I guess I do not understand why what other people are offended by is of any significance to anyone else. Either you care, or you don't but there doesn't seem to be any good accomplished by insisting that everyone else should toughen up. Comments like that, or calling people names, or insulting someone's intellegence seems to imply that something is getting beneath your skin, so perhaps it is your own skin that needs toughening..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
If you feel offended don't post.
Why? Why should only certain people be allowed to participate in a public forum? Why should someone be isolated because they do not think the exact same way as others?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Why? Why should only certain people be allowed to participate in a public forum? Why should someone be isolated because they do not think the exact same way as others?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
I thought capital letters were rude?
I guess I don't see what I am supposed to let go of. I have my beliefs and apparently the fact that I think people should be aware of how their words can affect others. Then the choice is up to them whether they will continue to use them or not...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I thought capital letters were rude?
I guess I don't see what I am supposed to let go of. I have my beliefs and apparently the fact that I think people should be aware of how their words can affect others. Then the choice is up to them whether they will continue to use them or not...
they are rude...