Hints on Lionfish tankmates


New Member
Does anyone have any suggestions as far as what to put in with Lionfish. I am up in the air, but am considering a frogfish!
I am sorry to burst your bubble but i would have to say no to the frogfish, unless the lion is 3 times the frogfish size i would be worried about the frogfish tryign to eat it in one gulp, finding itself that it can and die from the poison and the lionfish die from the frogfish.


Active Member
I don't know much about Frogfish, but i think they'd go fine with a Lion as long as they're not too small. Wrasse go well with Lions as do Eels. Most Angels can also go with Lions. Oh and
Welcome to the boards!


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Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
I am sorry to burst your bubble but i would have to say no to the frogfish, unless the lion is 3 times the frogfish size i would be worried about the frogfish tryign to eat it in one gulp, finding itself that it can and die from the poison and the lionfish die from the frogfish.

A frogfish eating a Lion? I didn't think they got that big.
Frogfish are like vaccums prime311, the will eat a fish the size of their body or even BIGGER at times they can sawallow the bigger fish but sometimes they cannot causing the to choke and usually resulsting in the one getting eaten, to die in the proccess. That is why imo frogfish should be added last with all the other fish full size. My lfs has a sargassum that just ate a 4 inch mappa puffer (waste of money) so they moved their 4inch sargassum to another tank.


Active Member
Ive got my lion with a koran angel, stars and stripes puffer, zebra moray eel and some damels


I have my lion with a emporer angel, foxface rabbit, niger trigger, humu trigger, conger eel, hippo tang, minicus grouper, lunar wrasse, all get along great. going to look at a unicorn tang today


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaliman33
I have my lion with a emporer angel, foxface rabbit, niger trigger, humu trigger, conger eel, hippo tang, minicus grouper, lunar wrasse, all get along great. going to look at a unicorn tang today
Keep an eye on the humu trigger with the lion. They are known to snap and kill lionfish. I had a 2.5 inch humu snap and take out a 9 inch Volitans Lion


Active Member
It's not recommended to put a Lion with a Puffer or Triggers as there have been many accounts of this leading to aggression problems, feeding difficulties, and dead Lions. Thats not to say no ones done it successfully, its just a risk and the safer option would be to choose something other then these 2 types.


New Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
Frogfish are like vaccums prime311, the will eat a fish the size of their body or even BIGGER at times they can sawallow the bigger fish but sometimes they cannot causing the to choke and usually resulsting in the one getting eaten, to die in the proccess. That is why imo frogfish should be added last with all the other fish full size. My lfs has a sargassum that just ate a 4 inch mappa puffer (waste of money) so they moved their 4inch sargassum to another tank.

My Lion is about 7 inches, with all of the fins. I have been researching frogs, and am aware that they tend to imitate vacuum cleaners. That said, I just think that my Lion is too big for him to even consider. If I got a Frog, it would prob be about 3-4 inches, but I think that there is a risk in mixing almost any fish, isn't there. Does anyone know a bunch about frog fish, are they really as cool as they look???


New Member
I am also intrigued by the Foxface Rabbit and Koran Angel. I found a smaller Koran, for about $25, and would have bought it yesterday, but I was afraid that my Lion would eat it. Should this be a concern and should I get a larger one to prevent this.


Active Member
The Lion will try to eat the Angel if he can fit in the Lions big ol mouth. I'm guessing thats a Volitan Lion and the Koran gets like 15". You have a big tank right?


Active Member
Best tip for tankmates with lions, is to avoid other fish with teeth. Triggers and Puffers mostly, I would also lump large wrasses (who definitely have teeth) into that category as well. The others is to avoid are known 'bullies' with lions, such as aggressive angels like Passers and Queens, and Sohal Tangs.
Some great options for Lions include, large hamlets, large porkfish/grunts, snappers (you will need a big tank tho), passive tangs like Nasos (again, big tank), lookdowns and other jacks (huge tank), large angels introduced after the lion, and batfish (huge tank).


New Member
Right now I do not have a big enough tank for a Koran, I know this, but I really like the way they look. I am coming to the realization that I am going to have to go out and purchase a bigger tank to do all of the stuff that I want to do. I also think that a Cream Angel would be pretty cool, and they don't get as big as a Koran, right? I think that I will stick with getting a frog now, because I don't think that it would be possible for him to eat the Lion, and then I will fill in the rest from there.
Originally Posted by masc0006
My Lion is about 7 inches, with all of the fins. I have been researching frogs, and am aware that they tend to imitate vacuum cleaners. That said, I just think that my Lion is too big for him to even consider. If I got a Frog, it would prob be about 3-4 inches, but I think that there is a risk in mixing almost any fish, isn't there. Does anyone know a bunch about frog fish, are they really as cool as they look???
as of now i have a wartskin angler in a 40 gallon by its self, i tried to keep several fish with it but all it has done was smile as they dissapeared. If you have any qwuestions i will answer best to my ability.
40 gallon hex
30 lbs of lr
canister filter
protien skimmer (i forget name)
3 inch sandbed
some shrooms
and my feeding habits for it is getting frozen sardins, smelts, krill etc and tie the tail to the lr and let it eat.... if u would like to know anything else i will be more then happy to tell you...... as of right now i bought 4 damsels for it so goodluck and havefun.......


New Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
as of now i have a wartskin angler in a 40 gallon by its self, i tried to keep several fish with it but all it has done was smile as they dissapeared. If you have any qwuestions i will answer best to my ability.
40 gallon hex
30 lbs of lr
canister filter
protien skimmer (i forget name)
3 inch sandbed
some shrooms
and my feeding habits for it is getting frozen sardins, smelts, krill etc and tie the tail to the lr and let it eat.... if u would like to know anything else i will be more then happy to tell you...... as of right now i bought 4 damsels for it so goodluck and havefun.......

So, what if I get a small frog, and let it grow with the Lion. How big was your frog when you got it? If it is like 2-3 inches, you seriously think that its probable that my lion fish would get swallowed hole (or an attempt would be made resulting in two dead fish). Thats insane (not calling you insane). Not only would my Lion be much bigger than a 2-3 frog (at least twice as big), but then there is all of the poisonous fins. Don't fish know what is poisonous and what is not. My good friend and then a LFS have told me that a frog would "just know" that it could not eat the lion w/o killing itself. Obviously thats a lot to ask a fish to do (cognitively think about the decision that it is about to make), but does that sort of thing happen? How big is your frog now? How big of a Lion would feel comfortable putting there with it?


New Member
I just got your post about the video, i wrote my previous post before I noticed it. I am at work, so sometimes it is hard to watch Youtube, but I'll look at it and respond later.