Hippo Tang in a 29?!


Active Member
That is not enough information to answer. personally. I can put one in there for holding for a few weeks or whatever. It also depends potentially on the species, etc. There are many "unknowns" in that question.
If it is, for example, the "actual size" as shown in your pick, then again, it is a grow out issue and I am not necessarily opposed to it depending on circumstances.


Active Member
Wouldn't a tiny tang be the same grow out situation?... a tiny tang to grow out in a 29?
(But I do advise against small tangs for people not experienced with them because of their survival rate.... so I too would say no go on the tang in a 29).
Oh, that not's a volitan in my avatar. That the "youngest" fish I have ever owned besides a seahorse. I have never seen such a small juvi. It's a Hawaiian Lionfish


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dingus890
Bad Idea.I would not do it.I honestly wouldn't buy from a LFS that says it would work.
*They probably say lifetime guarantee knowing the poor tang will die from stress in such a small tank,even though the tang is small.*
Blue Hippo tangs are delicate enough.
My LFS when I asked about a tang in a 55 gallon said they would not sell one to me until I had a 75 or larger tank.They even offered a discount on a 75 gallon tank to help me out.That is the kind of LFS you want. Ones that tell you like it is and help you because they love fish and are not just in it to make money.
I would wait and upgrade in the future. Then get the tang and you will be much happier.
The reason this is a testy subject is because we are dealing with living animals that are usually taken from the most beautiful reefs.And to put them in a tiny glass box that they will grow out of is cruel. Also the many tang police have reason to flame. They have experience and want to see these beautiful fish thrive as they should.

Why sell a fish when you can sell a tank...these guys are not your friends either...sorry. My LFS ower, actually told a customer to leave and go kill someone elses fish, I asked why...he wouldn't sell to him because he was always buying fish and coming back to buy the same type again in a week. This was the customers 3rd try on that fish.
He could have made a fortune selling this guy fish every week. Now that's the kind of LFS you want...when they love the fish, they love the hobby and make good choices for both of you.
BTW My Hippo tang was the size of my pinky fingernail when I got him...he is 4 inches now 3 years later. Little fish go in a little tank...I have a Frimani dottyback...beautiful purple and blue color, I don't think they get very big and it is a gentile sweet little guy, why don't you look into something like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
BTW My Hippo tang was the size of my pinky fingernail when I got him...he is 4 inches now 3 years later.
But what would have been wrong with putting that in a 29... in the beginning and perhaps for the first year or so (depending on actual rate of growth of course)?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
But what would have been wrong with putting that in a 29... in the beginning and perhaps for the first year or so (depending on actual rate of growth of course)?

I was misunderstood...
Nothing...I said what I did about tiny Hippo Tangs, everyone seems to think 3 inches or more before buying one. A tiny tang well cared for can survive...I mentioned the Frimani dottyback because it has the same gorgous color the OP likes. I have been thinking of a small tank for my bedroom...that is the fish I would put in it. It is striking to look at, and its a nice sweet fish...I don't like mean fish.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
But what would have been wrong with putting that in a 29... in the beginning and perhaps for the first year or so (depending on actual rate of growth of course)?
I am by NO MEANS an expert with only 2 years in this "obsession"
But I have to agree with C. My BH is in a 55 for now until my 125 is up and running. As long is the fish is happy I say DO IT


Active Member
So why are we recommending the OP not to get a tiny tang to grow out in a 29?
I will defer the actual survivability rates of the tiny ones to peeps that have kept them.... I have not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Why sell a fish when you can sell a tank...these guys are not your friends either...sorry.
Not only that but a 75 is no better than a 55 when it comes to keeping tangs. Just a few inches wider...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
So why are we recommending the OP not to get a tiny tang to grow out in a 29?

Because I think his LFS is full of the nasty...they won't replace the tang like they are saying. Perfect water...thats an old one. If he is anything like me...he will love and miss his fish if he parts with it... like a puppy, why get something to make yourself sad about later, if you have to get rid of it...So I recommended a fish he could keep for years to come.
The ocean is full of incredible creatures; surely there is something that can strike the OPs fancy that can fit the budget and the tank so he can keep it and be happy.


Active Member
He already said he was willing to give it up when it outgrew the tank. We can't tell him how he will or should feel about that.
I'm not talking about the LFS. Just the tiny tang in a 29 aspect. And survivability aside.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
He already said he was willing to give it up when it outgrew the tank. We can't tell him how he will or should feel about that.
I'm not talking about the LFS. Just the tiny tang in a 29 aspect. And survivability aside.

Honestly..Tiny is cool. I imagine a miniature reef..Everything tiny, using baby fish and frags. One would have to keep getting rid of the fish for a smaller one all the time, but still really cool to have. The other people want a bigger fish so it isn't like you would have no buyers, you would be doing the fish a favor as a foster home sort of.
Why not??? People keep upgrading to get bigger, so what’s wrong with downgrading smaller, it is just the other end of the scale, right?


In my opinion it is going to be risky but i've had success, I raised a small yellow tang in my 46 gal bow front for a year and a half and switched him to a 90 gal. Now my 90 sits with a yellow and i have a 1.5" hippo and there doing fine. I agree with the others it would work more short term then long term but it "could" work.
Originally Posted by dingus890
Bad Idea.I would not do it.I honestly wouldn't buy from a LFS that says it would work.
My LFS when I asked about a tang in a 55 gallon said they would not sell one to me until I had a 75 or larger tank.They even offered a discount on a 75 gallon tank to help me out.That is the kind of LFS you want. Ones that tell you like it is and help you because they love fish and are not just in it to make money.
I'm not one to critisize by any means but seriously your kinda double talking here. No offence intended but if your LFS is going to help you out by selling you a larger system that still to small for housing tangs for the long run. But there not out for the money, I'm having trouble with this concept. Honestly it sounds like your LFS is taking worse advantage of you by wanting to sell you a whole new system (that won't work) rather then just the fish.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BigJakeC
In my opinion it is going to be risky but i've had success, I raised a small yellow tang in my 46 gal bow front for a year and a half and switched him to a 90 gal. Now my 90 sits with a yellow and i have a 1.5" hippo and there doing fine. I agree with the others it would work more short term then long term but it "could" work.
I'm not one to critisize by any means but seriously your kinda double talking here. No offence intended but if your LFS is going to help you out by selling you a larger system that still to small for housing tangs for the long run. But there not out for the money, I'm having trouble with this concept. Honestly if sounds like your LFS is taking worse advantage of you by wanting to sell you a whole new system (that won't work) rather then just the fish.
I agree


Originally Posted by Flower

Why sell a fish when you can sell a tank...these guys are not your friends either...sorry. My LFS ower, actually told a customer to leave and go kill someone elses fish, I asked why...he wouldn't sell to him because he was always buying fish and coming back to buy the same type again in a week. This was the customers 3rd try on that fish.
He could have made a fortune selling this guy fish every week. Now that's the kind of LFS you want...when they love the fish, they love the hobby and make good choices for both of you.
BTW My Hippo tang was the size of my pinky fingernail when I got him...he is 4 inches now 3 years later. Little fish go in a little tank...I have a Frimani dottyback...beautiful purple and blue color, I don't think they get very big and it is a gentile sweet little guy, why don't you look into something like that.
No I have seen my local fish store turn down people.It's only one person that runs the store and she has put her life and savings into her store and fish. She treats them like her own.She is very cautious to who she sells to and doesn't care if she loses a sale.She is also the largest Aquacultered coral facility in New England.
I mean this was a person I emailed for 1 year with questions with NO SALE and with never actually being in the store(store is 2 hours away)
They were not trying to sell me the tank. I asked if she would do a discount.She said yes if I would never put a kole tang in a 55 gallon longterm ever...lol
Do we have LFS issues...lol
People really get testy about LFS on here which is funny.


Originally Posted by BigJakeC
In my opinion it is going to be risky but i've had success, I raised a small yellow tang in my 46 gal bow front for a year and a half and switched him to a 90 gal. Now my 90 sits with a yellow and i have a 1.5" hippo and there doing fine. I agree with the others it would work more short term then long term but it "could" work.
I'm not one to critisize by any means but seriously your kinda double talking here. No offence intended but if your LFS is going to help you out by selling you a larger system that still to small for housing tangs for the long run. But there not out for the money, I'm having trouble with this concept. Honestly it sounds like your LFS is taking worse advantage of you by wanting to sell you a whole new system (that won't work) rather then just the fish.
I don't see anything wrong with putting a Kole Tang in a 75 gallon.They only get about 5".I would never put any other tang in a 75 gallon tank long term.


Originally Posted by spanko
Get ready.........................................Vroom....Vroom.......

Just wanted to pop in here and say well done everyone. No flaming, no ranting, no raving, no hang em highing.........just good information and leaving the decision to the OP. Good Stuff!!!!!!

HAHAHA! That's Awesome!!


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Just for fun.... what would y'all say to me if I started a thread about putting a volitan in a 6g or an angler in a 3.... which I've done. Would y'all have advised me not to? Seriously... just for fun and I'm curious. :)
I still would have said no...lol

No Offense intended at all as I greatly respect your post and ideas Cranberry
..but didn't the first little Angler you put in the 3 gallon holding tank die for no reason?
Please take no offense to this but I am just curious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dingus890
I still would have said no...lol

No Offense intended at all as I greatly respect your post and ideas Cranberry
..but didn't the first little Angler you put in the 3 gallon holding tank die for no reason?
Please take no offense to this but I am just curious.
Do you assume just because a fish dies in a tank it's because of the tank itself? Really? I fed it a new food several days before. That morning he died he barfed up a gelatinous mess. It was the fry from my nasty guppy tank that later proved to have a fungal issue. Barfing does not equate a tank issue. Sudden Angler Death (S.A.D.) is actually an unfortunate common angler problem.
And if you would have said no, why didn't you? Why does every one tell me "Great Fish" and then tells the OP "No way"?
So, what about my volitan in a 6g? Fuzzy in a 12g? 4 seahorses in an 18g?


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Do you assume just because a fish dies in a tank it's because of the tank itself? Really? I fed it a new food several days before. That morning he died he barfed up a gelatinous mess. It was the fry from my nasty guppy tank that later proved to have a fungal issue. Barfing does not equate a tank issue. Sudden Angler Death (S.A.D.) is actually an unfortunate common angler problem.
So, what about my volitan in a 6g? Fuzzy in a 12g? 4 seahorses in an 18g?
Realy I meant no offense. I was just asking.
Truly sorry if I offended you.