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Bad Idea.I would not do it.I honestly wouldn't buy from a LFS that says it would work.
*They probably say lifetime guarantee knowing the poor tang will die from stress in such a small tank,even though the tang is small.*
Blue Hippo tangs are delicate enough.
My LFS when I asked about a tang in a 55 gallon said they would not sell one to me until I had a 75 or larger tank.They even offered a discount on a 75 gallon tank to help me out.That is the kind of LFS you want. Ones that tell you like it is and help you because they love fish and are not just in it to make money.
I would wait and upgrade in the future. Then get the tang and you will be much happier.
The reason this is a testy subject is because we are dealing with living animals that are usually taken from the most beautiful reefs.And to put them in a tiny glass box that they will grow out of is cruel. Also the many tang police have reason to flame. They have experience and want to see these beautiful fish thrive as they should.
Why sell a fish when you can sell a tank...these guys are not your friends either...sorry. My LFS ower, actually told a customer to leave and go kill someone elses fish, I asked why...he wouldn't sell to him because he was always buying fish and coming back to buy the same type again in a week. This was the customers 3rd try on that fish.
He could have made a fortune selling this guy fish every week. Now that's the kind of LFS you want...when they love the fish, they love the hobby and make good choices for both of you.
BTW My Hippo tang was the size of my pinky fingernail when I got him...he is 4 inches now 3 years later. Little fish go in a little tank...I have a Frimani dottyback...beautiful purple and blue color, I don't think they get very big and it is a gentile sweet little guy, why don't you look into something like that.