22caddy...in this instance there was little to no need for the "liar" remark...and the other instance was about a member s question in regard to a angler. Input is appreciated...but rude remarks do nothing positive and may be best left out.
In regard to the questions about a foxface here is some info a google search turned up:
The Foxface Lo, also known as the Foxface Rabbitfish, has a very unique body color. It has a mottled yellow-brown body with a dark chest. The face is very light in color and speckled on the lower half. They are a very hardy fish, and are great additions to the newly-established tank. It may reside in a 70 gallon or larger aquarium. It is a very peaceful species except when housed with other rabbitfish. The Foxface Lo may be housed with more aggressive fish. Its predators will tend to leave it alone because of its venomous dorsal spines. Rabbitfish are generally reef-safe if they are well fed. If not, it is possible for them to nip at and consume some species of LPS and soft corals. The Foxface Lo diet consists of a variety of fresh vegetables and undesirable species of algae. It does nip and possibly eat some soft and hard coral polyps. Rabbitfish, found in shallow lagoons in the Indo-Pacific and eastern Mediterranean, have small, hare-like mouths, large dark eyes, and a peaceful temperament, which gives them their name. They are colorful, and have well developed, venomous dorsal and anal fin spines. Use caution when handling these fish, as the spines will inflict a painful sting. It is best to use two nets to corral these fish into a container, rather than a single net to transfer these fish. These fish are very hardy and disease resistant and make an excellent addition to a medium- to large-sized saltwater aquarium. Rabbitfish are one of the few species that will eat problematic Bryopsis algae. Even though these fish are herbivores, use caution if they are to be housed in a reef aquarium, as they may nip at some corals and sessile invertebrates.