Hitch Hiker Crab: Grey with red eyes


New Member
Does anyone know what kind of crab this is? It came with my live rock. I saw it about 3 weeks after I set up my tank.
So far, it doesn't seem to be bothering my Emerald Crab, Blue Leg Hermit, Scarlet Hermits, or Green Chromis. It seems to be most active at night, when I see it using it's claws to scrape off algae to eat.
It's body is very compact. When it pulls its legs toward its body, it almost looks like a pebble.
Can't figure out why I can't select my picture to post... check it out here: http://gallery.me.com/antonyo#100117/IMG_3455


Active Member

IMO crabs are evil, crabs with red eyes are double evil. I would banish it to the sump or fuge.


Active Member
Red-eyed reef crab
Eriphia ferox
Family Eriphiidae
(snail eater) will scavange and eat other stuff when hungry but small snails are its favorite foods
Features: 5-7cm. Body reddish with large rounded pincers and bright red eyes. Walking legs with pointed tips to cling to rocks. One of its pincers is enlarged and armed with a molar-like 'tooth' to crush snail shells. The other pincer has slim 'fingers' that act like chopsticks to remove the snail after its shell is crushed. It is fast moving and can be aggressive if it is cornered.


I actually posted a thread about this a few months back but i had 2 of these in my tank and i ended up catching them because they were attacking my shrimp if they got too close to eachother. None of my LFS's knew what these were and had never seen one before. The other day i actually saw one of the stores is selling them now.