hitchhiker help


New Member
recently picked up some uncured live rock, and...of late staring at the rock and repeating 'what the heck is that?' has been a hobby all on its own. most of the things i've seen so far i've been able to identify, but i've also got a pile of questions...and this seemed like the place to ask 'em.
there's what looks to be an anemone, but it seems to be sensitive to light. it's tentacles start to retract into the body almost immediately after the lights kick on

larger pic (92k jpg) -- any ideas what kind it is?
it's about 1.5 inches diameter when it's fully extended, so it's fairly juvenile whatever it is. the sensitivity to light seems contrary to what (admittedly very very little) i know of anemones...is this normal?

bubble algae?
it's about the size of a kernel of corn...appears to be growing
i'm just guessing this is something i don't want in the tank...is there a good way of removing it? (without popping it...which i'd also guess is a bad thing)

i've noticed a couple of these guys, usually skulking around the bottom. some kind of flatworm? something to keep, or remove?
any help is appreciated


Active Member
Don't know about the first pics. but that's definitely bubble algae ... emerald crabs are known to eat it, or you can siphon it out with a turkey baster.
Looks like a white flatworm ... they're okay it's the red one's that can cause problems.


1st pic are jewel anemones
2nd is Bubble Algae or Valonia sp
3rd is white flatworms.


Oh and you had some questions that went with that didn't you...sry
The first ones jewel anemones are about as large as they are going to get, you'll find them mostly at the bottom of the tank or in very shady areas. Pretty harmless really.
The bubble algea can sometimes manually be removed, but sometimes when you can't a syphon hose attached to a piece of pvc pipe will suck out the spores from the Valonia so that they don't spread. Also checking your iodine levels, they could be too high.
Last one is tricky, they are immortal and will not die (jsut about) just like there cousin the red flatworms. It's said that the white ones go after isopods or copepods, not sure as I've never had that particular problem.

bang guy

1 - Pseudocorynactis sp. aka Jewel Anemone or Caribbean Mushroom. It's actually a type of ahermatypic Mushroom. Harmless & nocturnal. Reproduce fairly well.
2 - Valonia sp. aka Bubble Algae. Harmless but can reach plague proportions very quickly. Looks nice with a few but not with a tankful.
3 - Amphiscolops sp.
aka White Flatworm. Harmless Flatworm that will not reach plague proportions. Eats crustacean larvae and Copepods. Nocturnal.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
1 - Pseudocorynactis sp. aka Jewel Anemone or Caribbean Mushroom. It's actually a type of ahermatypic Mushroom. Harmless & nocturnal. Reproduce fairly well.
2 - Valonia sp. aka Bubble Algae. Harmless but can reach plague proportions very quickly. Looks nice with a few but not with a tankful.
3 - Amphiscolops sp.
aka White Flatworm. Harmless Flatworm that will not reach plague proportions. Eats crustacean larvae and Copepods. Nocturnal.



Yeah, well nobody has mention how awesome the pic is!! That's gotta be the best pic of that pseudo that I have ever seen on these boards!!
THAT should definately go into the hitchhikers thread!! (IMO)


New Member
thanks, Tizzo
if anyone wants to use any of those shots (either for the hitchhiker ID thread, or anything else) go right ahead