Hitchhiker ID Please...


New Member
In a piece of live rock I picked up I have found some neat things, most notably something that extends some translucent arms at night that wave around. I have no idea what it is. Its very small and about 2" in length. There's several of them in a piece of rock I got and they come out when the lights go off. It looks like they are coming from a tube inside the rock. any ideas?


Im going with the hydroid digitates too, i had them when my tank was new


New Member
Chaetopterid-After a search for the hydroid digitates I found a picture of what I have. The worms never leave their tubes and they are mostly out at night so I think they are Chaetopterid. I have about 10 of them right now. If they are bad, I'm going to remove them but I have yet to research them.


Do you mean Chaetoplerid?
If so no worries, they are a harmless filter feeder and IMO a nice free addition to your CUC.