Hitchhiker ID


I tried to zoom in on some shots I already took using a photo editor to see if I could make the images a bit more clear, and I'm aware of the slight cyano problem on the baserock (Thanks Rick!) But, while that seems to be receeding with a bit of decreased feeding and rearranging powerheads, these guys are just as persistant as ever and I'm not sure exactly what they are, only that they seem to be spreading.

Anyone ever seen these before? The pink thing and white thing in the circle are two different types of things growing on the new LR I added. They seem to be bristly and hard.
And then one more thing I noticed on the rock that looked interesting is this. For the full pictures you can check out the pics, finally link, but these are the only two things I still have no ID on......

Thanks for anything you can tell me in advance!


The bottom pic looks like a coral skeleton and part of the rock. The top one could be any kind of small coral that comes along with live rock. Hard to say though. Does the bottom one seem independent of the rock?


Well-Known Member
Is that the best pics you can get?
I'm thinking the one growing under the rock could be some kind of hard sponge, which is harmless. The red thing could be some type of polycheate worm and the tree like thing to the left of it is most likely a type of sponge.
Good observations!


Unfortunately it is... My camera isn't the best, and all my spare change goes into this addictive hobby...... If it comes down between a new cool buy for the tank, and a new Nikon... Guess who always wins out? If they say cigarettes are harder to quit than cocaine what does that make saltwater? LOL.
Superman, it does seem independent of the rock. I think Snake is right. I'm just going to leave it alone and let it do it's thing......
Snake, if I could trouble you over one more thing, there's some tinier things on the rock as well that I'm not able to focus in on due to my camera restrictions. They're fine as hair, and for lack of any better description they look like tiny old television antenna. Not the rabbit ears, like you'd see on the back of the TV. The kind you'd see outside the house that were ladder-like. Any idea what these could be?


Well-Known Member
Could be tiny tube worms. Worms come in all different shapes and sizes. If it has a shell and can be scared into it, it's most likely a type of tube worm. Feather like things coming out of a shell are it's feeding fans, the way it filters food particles out of the water.


Sponge. I have those little red ones in my tank, and they've been there for years. They're harmless.