Hitchhiker ID


It's about an inch and a half long, looks to be either a crab of some sort, or maybe a shrimp. It leans out of the rock, and has these things that remind me of eyelashes for "hands". It sweeps the water with them. It also has pinchers, or claws. It looks red, but it is hanging out of the rock in the middle of a "tunnel", so I can't really tell. Any ideas? I've been watching him for sometime. Sally has too. She tries to get him everytime she sees him. TIA


Sounds to me like a porcelain crab probably. If it has little feather type things it constantly moves to and from its mouth skimming out little floating particles of food. If it is they are harmless and a nice addition. Does it look anything like this? Note the little feather thingies.


Active Member
does he ever come out of the rock at all? there is a type of crab from the genus paguritta, that are basically hermit crabs that burrow into corla head where tehy stay for the rest of their life. they never come out of their hole and also have teh feathery things like porcellain crabs to filter teh water with. anyhow, do a sear on these guys and you might find the answer to your question!
good luck


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Slothy!!!!!!!!1 :eek:
Nice picture

thank only took 100 pictures to get that one lol..


Well, if it is a porcelain, then the claws you mention will be very thick and flat and will look like they'd be more useful as bludgeons than as pincers. The sweeping eyelash things... well, porcelain crabs don't usually sweep them around. They just unfold them and let them flow around in the water, and retreact them when they are 'full'. If it is a porcelain crab, you have nothing to worry about.
My porcelain crab is really funny, he uses 'nonviolent' means of protecting his home... when a hermit crab gets near, he grabs it in his big claws and actually hurls it away from his hole.
Oh yeah... if the Sally lightfoot doesn't watch it then it could wind up injured or worse, if the porcelain decides to fight back instead of the traditional running and hiding.


OOOOOOOOHHH!!!! Those are scary pictures. Considering mine is about as long as a fingernail. Yes, it sweeps those things all day long. And it looks like it hangs out of the rock by it's "waist". But it's pinchers don't look nearly as big as those do. They look smaller than his fans. Still a porcelain crab? I don't know if he comes out at night or not. Haven't checked.