Hitchhiker IDs please


Got some new LR today and these guys were in it. Wondering what they are and if they are reef safe. Thanks!
PS: I can get better pics if necesary...


Active Member
3 looks like a spiney urchin to me. many urchins like to eat coral...not all though, i defer to those with greater knowledge...
My guesses:
1 - looks like a nudibranch
2- looks like a brown mithrax crab. I got lots of these on my LR. They seem like busy little cleaners, no trouble at all. They groom my LR and even reach pull hair algae off the glass.
3 - Urchin, slate pencil urchin maybe?


Active Member
1) is some type of nudi, don't know which, but most are not reef safe.
2) looks simular to a brown mithrax some are OK and some are not.
3) looks like a spiny urchin which will eat your coraline and make a habbit of knocking over corals.
I think you will probably have to get rid of 1 & 3 and maybe 2 if he doesn't behave or unless someone can confirm that type of mithrax is safe(not all of them are).


Guess I should have said it was aquacultured rock from the gulf, sorry bout that! Thanks for the replies so far. Nobody knows what kind of crab #4 is?
As far as getting em lined up, I just pushed them next to each other with the end of a turkey baster, and they cooperated for a bit, until the nudibranch tried to ride on the red crabs back! He got a good pinch for his efforts and quickly got off of the crab. :)
I didn't even see # 4! Now that I scrolled over there...
4 - It is hard to tell, But I think that it may be a Porcelain crab. Does it have little 'fans' that it waves toward its mouth? If so it is a porcelain crab. I got tons of these on my FL aquacultured LR. They are good guys and a nice freebie.
In my opinion, I would keep everything and consider them fine until something proves otherwise.


Active Member
Can't see 4 clear enough. It seem obscured. But most crabs are not truly reef safe. If you can't confirm him as safe, I would remove him.

bang guy


Originally posted by Agro
Thanks for the help all, how about this snail? :)

1 - Sea Slug probably a Elysia sp. This is NOT a Nudibranch. Probably an algae eater but will focus on one specie of algae.
2 - Mithrax sp.
crab. Omnivore. Will eat mostly algae but snails & other animals if given the chance.
3 - Herbiverous Urchin most likely. Ask Ophiura.
4 - Rock Crab. Predator including fish, snails, etc.
The Snail is a Horse Conch. Predator on just about anything it can catch.


The Snail is a Horse Conch. Predator on just about anything it can catch.

Just What CAN he catch? Just a curious question.


Active Member
"Just What CAN he catch? Just a curious question."
Guy has a really cool pic of a conch chowing down on a limpet. If we are lucky he may post it to show you what he means! After seeing the pic that I am referencing I would guess snails, chitons limpets slugs, flatworms etc...

bang guy

"Just What CAN he catch? Just a curious question."
Good answer ATTML.
Other critters include starfish, cucumbers, urchins, worms, snails (including other large Conch), Clams, Mussels, Oysters, etc. They are fully capable of chewing through a clam shell to get to the animal inside. In the wild they often grow to 2 feet in shell length.