hitchhiker mussel... ID?


I realized today that the rock with the neat fossils in it isn't fossilized at all and the little rascals are alive. Actually, they're pretty big rascals, too. Can anybody ID what kind of mussel these are? There are 2 of them, you can see the mouth closing in the top one. They're glued in there nice and tight, like I said, I thought they were part of the rock at first. What will I need to keep them alive and from dying and causing a problem in my tank? It's a 12 gallon nano, so it could be a huge spike if they died. They're on a really nice rock with a lot of ricordea on it, too. Has anyone else gotten mussels as hitchhikers? I thought it was kind of unusual. :)



I circled where I think their bodies are and pointed to the mouths, the pics aren't great, but you can get the idea... rock like shells with bumpy texture.


Active Member
I'll guess barnacles or turkeywing clams. Of course I could be wrong on both. :thinking:


ok... how do I keep oysters alive and happy? P.S. They're not really "little" or "tiny" each one is over 2 inches across.


I have a big oyster in my tank, got him as a mushroom rock, turns out the rock wasn't a rock. I haven't really done anything for him just my normal feeding of phyto. Don't have any close up pictures of him