Hitchhiker takeover?


I've just noticed in the last week that I have these little creatures popping up all over the place. YIKES!!! I think they might be hydroids. They're TINY (that's why no pic) clear, are shaped like an anemone with a base and tentacles, are attached to rock, and have popped up all over. I also have 2 baby jellyfish. I had one about 3 months ago that got sucked into the filter, but today there are 2 new ones. I'm thinking they might be related?!!? But we haven't gotten anything new in the tank in 6 months or more. HELP!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Museumgirl
Could aiptasia start REALLY TINY and go crazy in only a week?
yes it can if you disturb it like poking it. i have heard that people used joes juice to take care of the apitasia. i have never use the product before. when i had apitasia, i took out that tiny piece of rock and put it into a small container and squirt hot water at it until it died.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Museumgirl
I'm thinking they might be related?!!?
Yes! What you are seeing are the juvenile stage of Hydroid Jellyfish.
The type you are seeing can bud off thousands of Jellyfish when they are well fed. Fortunately (good news) this type of Hydroid requires massive amounts of food to maintain population.
If you're overfeeding any type of plankton then I recommend you stop until the population is reduced.