HOB refugium


Basically he used 2x4's to build it. It is "H" shaped. The fuge sits inside. Here is a drawing. Just make sure you have at least 4" clearance behind the tank to fit everything. Also double check the depth of your fuge for clearance as well.


Originally Posted by CUfishfan
Thanks! That might take a little more work to build than my shelf, but it's probably sturdier and easier to move.
I just had a thought.. can I put my heater in the fuge? Or is that a terrible idea?

Might be better in the sump if you have one. The HOB fuges are such small volume I would hate to see you cook your microalgae. Lol..


Mary, thanks for the picture. That looks more in-line with my (very limited) carpentry skills.
I don't have a sump
because I can't really fit anything under my tank (stand has less than 10" depth (with supports and door stop). You're probably right about how quickly it would cook everything in the fuge lol. Just had to ask (it'd be nice to get it out of my tank).


I am sure there are some sites online that offer sumps in various sizes. If I could I would PM you the info, but I see you don't have PM set up yet.


Thanks to everyone! I got the fuge this weekend, set it up on a stand (which took 2 trips to home depot, but it's standing and holding weight now).
Originally Posted by MaryG
I am sure there are some sites online that offer sumps in various sizes. If I could I would PM you the info, but I see you don't have PM set up yet.
I have no idea how to set up PM, but I would love the info on odd sized sumps. Could you email it to me (ewmcnamara@gmail.com)? Thank you!


Originally Posted by CUfishfan
Thanks to everyone! I got the fuge this weekend, set it up on a stand (which took 2 trips to home depot, but it's standing and holding weight now).
I have no idea how to set up PM, but I would love the info on odd sized sumps. Could you email it to me (ewmcnamara@gmail.com)? Thank you!

Email sent.