hoe often do you guys purchase clean up crews?


Active Member
Entire cleanup crews?
If you are replacing your entire crew, that does seem like a lot to me.
I have only lost a small amount....2 snails, 1 of which is a nassarious who got caught in a powerhead, and 1 Emerald, who just got old and died...
I haven't had my tank set up for a full year yet, but it seems that I'm in the same boat. I only have 2 snails, a few hermits, and all 3 peppermint shrimp surviving from my original crew. Since October I've bought at least 6 dozen snails, and a dozen or so hermits for my 75. I currently have only have 15 snails. I gues that's why the'yre so cheap, they just don't seem to live very long.


How many do you purchase? Entire sets!? I may loose one or two snails a year and a few hermits (due to fighting) but that's about it. Something isn't right if you have to buy an entire crew more than once. If it's not your H20, it maybe you have some sort of preditor in there like a crab or something....


Active Member
I probably have to beef up my crew once a year....mostly snails. They get stuck in crevices and die, they fall off and can't right themselves and die, and sometimes a fish or hermit will kill them and they, of course, die.:D
I think most of the snails that I lose fall off the glass in the middle of the night and get picked apart by the various crabs and shrimp. I have however had several that just mysteriously close up and never come out again. All of my water params. are well within "normal" range, and have been since late November / early December, with daily testing. I thought that snails were just short lived in closed sytems, but it looks like maybe I was wrong. Now you guys have me scratching my head?!?!?


Active Member
There is the possibility that there are too many, and they are starving to death- everyone gets a little bit. IMO, some of the packages are overstocked, and it is best to buy individual snails, hermits, etc. to avoid overstocking of these guys.
That sounds like solid advice ophiura, it's easy to get carried away with some of the packages out there. I too have always thought that some of them are outrageous. I've never purchased one of these packages, I did however buy 2 dozen one time, and suffered the largest die-off I've ever had.


I lose stuff occasionally but not entire clean up crews. Now shrimp on the other hand seem to disappear from my tank at an alarming rate. I think I have a predator crab that sneak attacks them at night. Couldn't figure out what happened to them until the other day when I found a molted crab claw similar in shape and size to an emerald. Funny too because I don't have any emeralds.


Active Member
I have to somewhat disagree, I think most people I see have way too few members of the cleanup crew. Two snails????:D :D They can't even keep one rock clean.:D I would really have to say that the majority of my snails die to getting into positions they can't get out of. If anyone has seen my pic of the snail with all the vermetid snails on him.....he is still alive and four years old, but many simply fall or get stuck. My foxface also tries to eat off of their shells......whatever grows on them, and he knocks them off on accident because they try to retract or something. I, and it's just my opinion, believe the packages are pretty correct. I like around 40 astreas in my 90 at a time. I seldom have to replace hermits......they live for years in my experience. Folks with 15 snails in a 75 are lacking in my opinion. Then again, maybe my tank is just dirty.:D
Hey Sammy, I agree completely that 15 is probably not enough. I have a PLETHORA of algae for them to eat. For some reason though I haven't been able to keep much more than that alive at one time. 99% of the snails I've purchased have been Mexican Turbos and Margaritas. The rest are Astrea's, Cerith, and Nassarius, all of which are still alive. You said that you keep Astreas. Do you find them to be more hardy and / or more effective than some of the other types?


You have to be careful with Turbo snails because some come from colder waters and therefore die shortly after being put in our tanks, but it could take up to a month or two before they die from the water temp. Margirita snails can not right themselves, so if they fall off and land on their back, unless you turn them over they will be crab food. Astreas in my experience have been the most hardy snails, they tend not to fall off as much, and they can right themselves when they do fall off. In our two tanks we tend to have to add some snails every 3 -6 months. Like others have said, they seem to get themselves stuck in places that they can't get out of.


Active Member
i've seen mine right themeselves, while in the back. Every time i clean the glass with magnet i drop at least one. And when she falls on her back she just pulls all the body out of the shell (well, piece of her boddy) and rights up. Unfortunately, 2 or 3 died on the back of the tank, probably because they couldnt do that.:( but at least my shrimps had a nice lunch:D


Active Member
The best I've ever seen mine do is to grab some sand, and the sand comes to them, not the other way around. If they are lucky enough to be right by the glass, they can grab that, but I have never seen one grab the sand, and have the sand be heavy enough to allow them to pull themselves upright. They basically just pick up some sand with their foot.:confused: Great, I have stupid snails....super.:D :D :D


Sammy I have dumb snails also, my astreas can't flip over either. I have a 3' piece of dowel next to the tank to flip them back over with. All they do is pick up sand as you described. I had one today that I saw in the back of the tank behind the LR out of reach of the flipping stick. He is now crab food.


Active Member
Agree with you on the 15 snails in the 75g. :D No problems there, but if I put 40 hermits in my 15g nano, in addition to snails, etc, well, there will be some trouble. I think it is easier to order ubuild it type packages where you get to pick and choose a bit more, according to your needs. I think some people do overdo it, and with some animals that may not be real generalist feeders, it can be a potential problem, IMO.
And then there are misc explanations such as those given about some species needing particular temp ranges, etc. And some folks will always swear by certain types of snails, and won't be able to keep the snails that their neighbor swears by. Sometimes it is just strange.