HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

Ok so i am moving this from my 40g move post. So as of right now I am Running the tank with 3 Zebra gobys, 5 hermits, 1 nerite, and 1 turbo. I have 44 pounds of live sand and 40 pounds of live rock. When the tax return comes i will be adding some more rock and another powerhead. All my fish from my 10G will get moved in about a month. here are some pictures just to start this off.

In the last pictures the tank was not level so i had to drain it a bit and level it out as you can see in the second pic and added more supports. Also here are some more pictures.



Active Member
VERY nice. what are your plans for the tank?
i also see you added sister supports to your stand to support the frames, that is the best way to do it
as of right now. the plan is to add some more fish, an anemone (my girlfriends request), some sponges, and a couple coral. The anemones and the corals will be on hold till we get some better lighting.
So i woke up this morning to find two huge patches of hydroid jellyfish. Kinda cool looking. i know they will disappear but hopefully they wont sting anything.

So as of right now we are letting the tank settle. Just watching the tank and testing the parameters every couple of days. If we don't see any changes in the next week or so we are going to move everything from our 10g into the tank. Really happy with how the tank is doing.
PH: 8.3
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Ammonia: 0
Salinity: 35
Specific gravity: 1.025
They are way annoying. I mean cool looking but the whole front of the tank looks like it has dots all over it. oh well they will disappear eventually.
One more week. I am so anxious to add the contents of my 10g into the 60. The waiting game has got to be the hardest part of this hobby for me. My 3 bar gobies that are in the 60 right now are starting to recognize me which is cool. They come out of hiding when I come to the tank which i enjoy. The rocks in my 10 got taken over by aptasia so that is another thing I am waiting on. When I pull the creatures out I am going to do a fresh water dip to clear them off then add then rocks to the 60. And that is all for now folks.
Ok so today we found a new LFS. So much closer to our house and amazing selection and great staff. Spent an hour or so just chatting with one of the guys there and picking his brain. So the store passed my test and we bought some new stuff. We got some more hermits, 2 large nassarius, a sally lightfoot, feather duster, and another rock. The guy also threw in an acropora for free. So happy. Oh and we got the acropora home and there was an acropora crab on it and a tiger serpent star on it. So yeah here are some pictures.
I am so happy with our trip today

ok so i was just talking with my friend who is going to frag some of his corals for me. They cant be fragged yet cause of healing after his tank took a dive but they are healing. He is then going to frag them when they are ready and hand them over. we are also letting my tank settle a lot more. The first I am getting is the watermelon alien eye chalice. the other 2 are a Pumpkin Patch Echino and a Mummy Eye. This is a pic of a watermelon. I love it.
So tomorrow is the official move day for my 10g. Everything is getting moved over except the rock. We are gonna do a freshwater dip on the rock in the 10 and then make sure all the aptaisia die off. Then we are going to run it in the 10 for a week or so to make sure it cycles or clears up before me put it in the 60. Pictures of the tank and everything in it will be up tomorrow.