HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

Picking up a 1/5 arctica chiller tomorrow for 300$. So excited. Was able to run my tank without one seeing how the tank was directly below the huge a/c intake so it sucked all the hot air of the lights. Now that its getting moved I was freaking out cause I needed one. Woo hoo. So excited.
So I have been to some fish LFS around my new house. I am starting to come to the conclusion that I might have a to do long drives to get to a decent fish store. Grrrr
My tank is finally moved. Hopefully everything makes it. The tank's salinity was off the scale so pretty much all my corals died excpet my orange monti cap. Did a water change when we got to my house so the salinity is good. Now I am waiting for the tanks temperature to raise. With the long drive the water temp dropped to 66 degrees.
Hey folks. So far everything is doing great. So far the only thing that we lost, that I knew about, is my fire shrimp. So hopefully everything else goes well. My zoos finally came out and my mushrooms aren't scrunched up anymore.
So I ordered a reefkeeper controller yesterday and a replacement for my refractometer. Get them wednesday. So excited.
Hello folks. So I got my reefkeeper today. yay! Too bad I am lost trying to work the lights. Got the PH probe calibrated and the itemp is working. other than that trying to figure out how to run the lights.
Excited to see my tank is slowly coming along with all the bits and pieces I want.
Also here is my current stock list
CBS xq
Tuxedo urchin x1
Hermits x no idea
Peppermint shrimp x1
ocellaris clown x1
Bar goby x2
Green chromis x 2
Yellow tang x1
Orange monti cap
Vivid green monti cap
ORA Pink damicornis
Pink table acro
Various zoos
Green striped mushroom x 2
Pictures will come as soon as I whip out my SLR
So i just ordered my RO/DI system. I cant wait till it gets here. No more buying RO water for top offs. No more buying saltwater. No more jugs. YAY!!!!!!!!