adam it looks really good.... if u cant figure out how to turn off the flash ... cover the flash with a finger thats waht i do sometimes on acident (doh!)
Oh yeah, I am getting a LOT more fish. Remember the conversation we had on AIM? I know it looks empty, and as soon as I have all my fish, its off to corals we go!
Originally Posted by treybom
adam it looks really good.... if u cant figure out how to turn off the flash ... cover the flash with a finger thats waht i do sometimes on acident (doh!)
good idea tommy! never even thought to do that!
Looks good so far, I agree with you on the sand - I just switched over and I really think it looks better than the cc. Want to see some more pics when you get the lights!
Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Looks good so far, I agree with you on the sand - I just switched over and I really think it looks better than the cc. Want to see some more pics when you get the lights!
thanks dragonladylea!! Dont worry, you will get sick of my pics when I get my new lights!
omg on the famous auction site i found the 125 im looking for it comes with EVERYTHING , even 2 250 watt MH and 2 96 watt PCs , the whole thing for $450!!!!!!! but its all the way in WASHINGTON, and my parents wont drive that far!