Home Depot Premium Play Sand = Southdown?



I just called Home Depot and only have "Premium Play Sand" for 2.99 for 40lb bag. Is this the magic stuff?


I actually called the company today and they told me it was marketed also as "Yardrite tropical playsand", and "Correct tropical playsand". It's all the same thing, if you can find one of these three. The number for the company is on the reef tank board under Southdown in Cincinatti by Benj


Would this Sand work? I jsut called the rep and it doesn't look like anyone is WI carries it.

bang guy


Originally posted by Incognito
Would this Sand work?

IMO any sand will work as long as it contains a variety of sizes from sugar sizes down to dust, contains no heavy metals or toxins, and the grains are rounded without sharp points or edges.
I used the quikrete playsand when I initially set up my tank. It was a very ugly dark brown. Other than that it seemed to work o.k. However, I've now switched it out with Southdown. Pure white looks about a million times better to me.
Check out your local reef club. That's what I did and was lucky enough to find them just as they had ordered two palats of Southdown. I guess the sand itself is cheap but the shipping was brutal. It ended up being $12 per bag. If you can find enough people wanting to try the Southdown then you might try getting a shipment to where you are.


i used quickrete also i put 100 lbs of it and 30 lbs or Aragonite and mixed it up then added a 10 lbs bag of LS on top all together it cost me less than 50 bucks and i have a 5 inch sand bed that looks pretty good to me. if i had some good batteries id take a pic and post it, mabye later tonight when i go to wallmart i will get some and post it for you all to see


just make sure its the kiddie play sand with green lable and words, the other called premium has sillicate in it and may be harmfull. the kiddie stuff doesnt say anything about have or not having silicates.


Okies Looking for the green label when I go after work. Please Lord have a green label. The closet place I can get the Southdown is 4.5 hours away in Michigan.


Active Member
the play sand your Home Depot probably carries is the Quickcrete Playsand. I'm suprised to hear masterhunter got it and it was dark brown, mine is bright white. I guess there is variation. I have been happy with it, althought I might have a bit more algae than I would if I had gotten pure argonite. I have 200lbs, and 50 of that is quickcrete playsand.
I think it depends on what part of the county you're in. I've heard of the quikrete being white but unfortunately in Denver it's the dark brown variety. I think any kind of sand marketed as kid or childrens sand will be fine. Those won't contain silicates, a cause of sicoliosis (spelling?).


All this different sand stuff.
Can you just buy all live sand to throw in a new tank?
Do people not do this because of cost or is there another reason?


Think I am going to do this right and not cut corners. I am gonna hit the LFS and get sand from them and then get myself 20 lbs of SWF live sand with Critters and put that in. So basically I will pick a day and revamp the whole tank. Cutting corners is what got me into this mess in the first place. I learned my lesson.


I don't think that using Southdown...if you can find it...is cutting "bad" corners. It's the exact same stuff as ls you get in stores, you just have to add the "critters" yourself. In fact, ls that you buy in a bag only has live bacteria. No critters. This is actually one aspect of the tank that it is okay to do cheap!!!;)


Active Member
Premium Play Sand from Home Depot is quartz sand and will work just as well as quickcrete. I have used it in two tanks without any problems. Quickcrete comes in brown or white depending on which facility in comes from(your local). Premium Play Sand only comes in white. My first choice would be Southdown or another fine aragonite sand, my second choice would be a good quality quartz play sand. Do not use concrete sand some of it has a high felspar content and will cause diatom problems.