Horrible News


Active Member
I went to visit my apartment building today and I found out that they charge 250 dollars for pets. Well, i knew that but they told my aquariums do not count. Well guess what, in order to keep my aquariums they would charge me a non refundable 500 dollars, excluding my smaller fresh water which i'm not sure the cost. The lady said they charge a 100 dollar pet fee for a small beta bowl.
God this sucks, right now I'm stuck in what to do with them cuz i mean, i have to go to college :rolleyes: ... but man i'm glad i found this out early. Because if i moved in with them then they would have charged me a 1000 dollar fine (500 per pet) plus the 250 per pet to keep them.
*sigh*... this sucks


Don't just take thier word for it, get it in writing and see if you can get a copy of thier rules in print. Crazy how they will fine you if you even look at them sideways. Perhaps if you move in there you can charge them for an Orkin call if you so much as see a bug in the apartment, make them pay it. What about the earthworms outside and the birds, sue them for wildlife on the premises. I could go on. What a bunch of hooey


What a bunch of ----. That's bloody highway robbery. They are just trying to milk poor college students. I would check your lease and everything. If they said aquariums don't count, hold them to the word. $100 per beta bowl... Ridiculous.
Damn thieves. :mad:
Sorry. I've had bad experiences with landlords in college.


Active Member
When I lived in an apartment the only rules were no reptiles, and a $50 a month dog or cat fee. I agree with the guys above get it in writing.


That's crap! The reason you charge a fee is for wear & tear of carpets cabnets things like that. Urin clean-up. A fish tank has NO wear & Tear... That's bogus. I would try to appeal that for those very reasons.
Good luck.


Ask for a copy of the lease by-laws, if its not written in there, than she's full of... smelly stuff


This is insane! I agree they are just tring to milk you. I concur w/ what everyone said ask to see it in writing! Bunch of crap!!! Makes me mad and not even my problem.:mad:
That is just ----!! 1000 fee for fish that is so stuped, like everyone said get it on a pice of paper, and why the #ell wuoul they charge 100 dollars a month for a betta bowl. They are full of ----!!
Folks! Please lets watch the colorful language a bit!


That's crazy! We have tanks (& a dog & cat) that management doesn't know about.. But the tanks are okay, as long as it doesn't exceed 100 Gal. Now is that per tank or all together...??? I don't know & I don't really care. If your worried though, DEFINATELY find a new place to live. Good Luck


I lived in an apartment that had some crazy ass fee for pets.
I had a cat and 55gal freshwater tank at the time.
I just didn't tell them.
No way I would pay.
Some of these places are just nuts.
They're making money on our love and attachment to our pets.
Pretty low.
Lived there 13 months and never a problem.
I had the maintenance guy up there but they don't give a crud what pets you have.


Active Member
Go to a shrink...have him/her write you a note stating that to maintain your calm demeanor and curb your alcoholism...the tranquility of a marine tank is the prescription of choice...or something like this...
Who knows...it could work!


I went through a similar thing when I moved. They said no pets at all. I moved in and set up the tank. She came by to give a tour of the place, they knock $50 off of rent to give a tour. When she saw the tank she liked it and said it looked very nice. Maybe she doesn't consider fish pets. I would try what eric said. Just move in and set-up shop. The landlord won't come in unless something is wrong. Does the landlord do the maintenance(SP)? If not I wouldn't worry at all. The maintenance service doesn't know what you have agreed to in the lease and such. That is just my opinion. Either way sorry for the situation.


I don't know if your going to school in CT, but if so there are laws against charging anymore than the equivalent of 2 months rent upfront. If you paid first and last or first and a security deposit equal to 1 month you don't have to pay any more. I only mention this cuz my father is a real estate agent in CT. if you are staying in CT let me know and I'll double check on this. But I would check with someone and check the fine print before just moving your tank into an apartment just to have to move it out again. Imagine trying to move your tank twice in a month period, stuff will die. Sometimes leases will have a clause that allows a landlord to make up the rules as they go. It maybe cheaper to break your lease and try to find someplace else. Good luck.


I would set up the biggest tank and put a shark in it and invite her for lunch:D
I agree I would look further into this, is this palce the only option you have?
Good Luck and hang in there.


Man I dunno wut ur talkin about thats a sweet deal. $100 for a betta... JK. I'd check and see if they actually charge that much on paper like Thomas said. If so just take the biggest tank. How many tanks do you have???


Active Member
thnx for the thoughts guys... I will check the lease again but I'm pretty sure it said that they will charge me. It's 250 a leased year, meaning each tank would cost me a 1000 for four years. It sux, there's no time to find another place and this is the cheapest option to live. I found a home for my 20 gallon, my room mates brother will care for it, but my 55... I have to tear apart and sell the fish by tomorrow so i can move. SO far I've stared at it for an hour and fixed my filter but have done nothing to help with the move. this sux


Active Member
OMG!!! I called the apartments and talked to the manager lady and she told em that if i get rental insurance i don't have to worry about the fee for the aquariums. (Only because I'm on the bottom floor)!!! This is absolutely great!!! Rental insurance is about 130 but compared to 500 dollars! It's amazing. THank you all, i double checked the lease and the entire reason for the fee was for those who refuse to pay for the damage. *sniff sniff*... this is the best thing ever. Thank you all!!! (Now I hope it all falls together with the insurance and everything... cross your fingers for me)


I was going to mention rental insurance. We had to get it when I lived off campus for a while in a rental. Then got fed up with the whole thing and bought a condo in which I can do whatever the heck I want.
Your landlord prob had a tank bust on the top floor and damage all the units on the subsequent floors or something. Can't say that I really blame her, but again if it isn't mentioned in the lease agreement she can't do **** about it. However they usually throw some sort of 'at our disgression' B.S into those contracts which basically means they can do whatever they want.
At least she didn't want to charge you 250 for each fish :)