Horse washer broke.



Alright, here I am again seeking the infinate wisdom of the handy man (stereotypically speaking).
I have a washer that worked fine up until this load. When I went to remove the load, it was still soaked and it smelled like smoke. Anyway, the symptom, it doesn't spin! I changed out the dogs less than a month ago, and if I put them in backwards I'm gonna kick myself...
But if it's not that, then what is it? The motor spins, I can hear it, but the agitater remains motionless...
OK, bring on the info!!!


Active Member
smells like burnt rubber? if the motor works and the agitator doesn't spin, it sounds like a cooked belt to me.


OK, they are not backwards, I just checked. They even grab when I grab the agitator with my hands and turn it... so, what do I gotta do. And don't tell me to buy a new washer!! I'm deturmined to fix this sucker...
Then again, Fisher & Paykel have a nice model... :thinking:
I'd get it for cost... :thinking:
Well, if it's not an easy fix then maybe... :thinking:


Originally Posted by bigarn
smells like burnt rubber? if the motor works and the agitator doesn't spin, it sounds like a cooked belt to me.
Cooked belt... Easy fix?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
smells like burnt rubber? if the motor works and the agitator doesn't spin, it sounds like a cooked belt to me.

Wow, hes quick


I know it's heavy... Big dummy me tried to get to the belt the first time my dogs went out. I had no idea about them until I had to fix 'em...
I can flip the sucker...
Bring on the sockets!


Active Member
I'm not an expert. If you smelled smoke, it doesn't spin and the motor's running, then odds are (if the belts not broken which I seriously doubt) that the clutch has burnt out. HTH Tiz.


Clutch would push me to buying a new washer... It sounds like "something" is spinning in there though... Maybe I'll hafta check the belt.


Spinning motor but no spinning agitator and a slight rubber smell....yep that's the belt. Hopefully it's still mostly intact, there should be some numbers on it that will identify it. You should see either a single or double digit number followed a letter (usually a "PK" or an "A") followed by more numbers. Any auto parts store should be able to cross based on those numbers and find you one.


YOu want me to take it apart now, don't you?? This was NOT supposed to be part of my day!


OK as a troubleshooting precaution, I removed the agitator first. BTW the load of towels was sloppy/nasty and I didn't like taking them out...
But anyway, I took off the whole agitator (ya' know easiest problem first) and hit "spin" and it spun!! So I don't think it's the belt. I think the weight of the load caused it to not spin. I do not overload, matter of fact this was a pretty small load, since I just did towels yesturday...
Lemme go see what I can learn...


OK, so I stood in the washer and pushed the little button to make it spin. Yeah that was scary, but all in the name of research right... Anyway, no spin...
Does that mean it's the clutch thingy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
OK, so I stood in the washer and pushed the little button to make it spin. Yeah that was scary, but all in the name of research right... Anyway, no spin...
Does that mean it's the clutch thingy?

Thats it crazy dangerous if your a child but with the wieght of an adult it wouldnt spin anyway.
They usually cut off around 75lbs. lol funny mental pic but no that doesnt prove anything as ruled out just yet


OK, I was all up under that things and there is no belt!! It's more, gear type things. Anyway, I looked at all that I had access to, and I can't find anythind! Crap, your saying it would not have turned on anyway!!?? Now I gotta set it up and try again, only this time, I'll put my daughter in there!!
HAHA I'm kidding, but it sure leaves a mental image!


Active Member
Dont be rediculous, dont even THINK of putting your child into an operating machine...
Invite the neighbors kids over and ask them if they want to train like the astronauts do. Come on THINK. SHEESH!!! LOL
OK if its gear driven, then obviously theres no belt to smoke. Normally when a clutch goes out it doesnt smell or give any burnt indicators. How new/old is the unit? Dryers are cheap but washers can get spendy. If in budget then just replace it and say screw it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
OK, so I stood in the washer and pushed the little button to make it spin. Yeah that was scary, but all in the name of research right... Anyway, no spin...
Does that mean it's the clutch thingy?

first off :scared:
Second this is a bad test. The washer has a limit switch that has to be triggered with the lid closed or it will not spin. So you can throw This test out.


OK then...neighbors kids it is!! LOL
Well, tonight I guess I gotta go to the hubby and say, "Honey, ummm, reefforbrains told me I hafta go out and buy a new washing machine, so I guess I'll see you later!!"
"Oh and will you get the neighbors kids out of the old one while I'm gone..."
Oh it's 8 years old. LOOKS brand spankin' new, but still, 8 years...
That's it, I ain't ever cleaning the next one...stinkin' things gonna die on me. Time to scour the consumer reports. :thinking: