How Annoying!


So about 4 days ago I'm looking at baby clothes in W-mart and some colleged age girl approaches me and was like excuse me can I ask you a question? Well, I'm a nice, approacable person so I was like sure, thinking she was going to ask me if I knew the location of a store item or something. Well after about 2 mins of her "dialouge" I realize she's a solicitor! Inside Wal-mart what the hell? I wasn't rude to her but I was firm and informed her I wasn't buying magazines from her. I went my way she went hers. So tonight, I'm at W-mart( yes I love me some W-mart, lol) and as I'm walking up to my car a colleged age male approaches me. He's like excuse me miss, I was like yea, thinking ok am I about to get abducted or what? Now he was trying to sell me GD magazines too! Dude, I was livid. How annoying to get harassed everytime I go to W-mart. I just got in my car and got outta there but on the way home I called and told this all to a manager who said she would take care of it. If it happens again I think I'm just going to call the police. The fact that a man I did not know would approach me like that a 10 pm in a parking lot while I'm alone is pretty scary. Sorry, I just had to vent but what would you do?


Active Member
Carry a brick in your purse.
When approached by solicitor, clock him in the jaw with all you've got.
While he's down, nail him again.
Tell the cops you're allergic to magazines and felt your life was in danger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
I knew I would get an intelligent response from you. Thanks for not letting me down.
I have been known to actually help others although the occasions are quite rare.
I seem to come across a little abraisive (especially to ophiura) ((I hope she doesn't read this)) on screen, but I'm really likeable in person. At least I think so.
On a serious note, Waldorf-Astoria Mart is pretty good about running those people off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
I pride myself on being "The Queen of Sarcasm" so I know how to take it as well as dish it out.

Duh, yer from New York.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I cant stand that . The only thing I wanna see being sold out side of walmart is girl scout cookies

They're the worst!!!
How can you not buy stuff from a third grader with a couple teeth missing?
Maybe I could try the purse trick on them.


Active Member
well, that's nothing. about 2 months ago, one of these kids KNOCKED ON MY DOOR. now I only have about 3 neighbors within half a mile of me and I don't like any of them so I was wary from the get go. the kid looked kind of thrown away and started babbling something about going to college and doing a survey. so I'm going along, nodding, etc. a minute or two later he goes, "ok, so what magazine do you want to subscribe to?". so I'm like, "whoa there, I thought I heard something about a survey, I'm not subscribing to any magazine". and then he starts begging and pleading about how he's trying to get into college and this will help him. finally, I'm, "look, good luck with that, but you're gonna have to get a student loan like the rest of us" and closed the door on him. now my driveway is about 200 feet from the house to the road and I didn't see any car come or go. so I'm thinking I'm definitely going to have to kill this guy because it seems he's up to no good....who in the world goes walking ON FOOT from house to house selling magazines when the houses are out in the boonies about a quarter mile apart?
it's annoying enough in public. but when they actually come onto my front porch and knock on my door....


Active Member
I used to see them in my old neighborhood. We have no solicitation where I live now and I may get one or two people a year. They know we will just remind them that solicitation is now allowed so they don't waste their time.

ric maniac

Active Member
Thats not as bad as the jehovas witness people coming door to door, every time I talk to one on my front porch, I ask them if they are here for the goat sacrifice out back.... It gets rid of em pretty fast
And pepridge farm aint got nothin' on girl scouts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
Thats not as bad as the jehovas witness people coming door to door, every time I talk to one on my front porch, I ask them if they are here for the goat sacrifice out back.... It gets rid of em pretty fast
And pepridge farm aint got nothin' on girl scouts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I dont care how goofy they look as long as they give me the cookies !!!! SAMOAS

Thin mints should be listed as a narcotic.

ric maniac

Active Member
As in they are as addicting as crack or they taste like doo doo? If you think they taste like doo doo then melt some andes mints over one, then freeze it


The magazine scammers came to my friends house last year while I was there and it was like 100 degrees out that day. Well, she let them do their little shpeel then after she told them no he was like well do you at least have a cold beer it's hot as hell out here(I heard him say it) she said have nice day and shut the door in his face. Where do they find these weirdos? Luckily my complex doesn't allow solicating and they keep after them too.