How Annoying!


Originally Posted by socal57che
Duh, yer from New York.

Hey, what is that supposed to mean? New York women are sweet as can be
I have never had people come up to me to sell magazines. I once had a jehovas witness group come though. I saw them comming up the driveway and sent my Rotti mix outside. She was all bark and no bite, but I yelled from the window for her to "sick 'em'" they never came back. That was about eight years ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Hey, what is that supposed to mean? New York women are sweet as can be

I think one hijack is enough for a single evening.


Now I do most of the cooking/grilling. Here it is on a Saturday (waterchange day) So the g/f said she will do the grilling today. I am in the house doing my thing. The g/f comes in and tells me this guy was selling a cleaning product that will take the grease off anything. Then she tells me he sprayed it onto the grill and cleaned it off. Now I am flipping out. She said the guy came up started to sell his product and sprayed it on the grill. She said she yelled at him because we were cooking on the grill. She said the guy said was NON-TOXIC. She tells me this guy wants $70 bucks a bottle. So here I go looking guy. Of course he is nowhere to be found. Now I am stuck here with this food that could be tainted.


Active Member
There are municipalities which have made solicitation illegal around here. I STILL used to get those crazy bible thumpers or whatever knocking on my door asking me to buy their version of the bible or whatever....
The borough that I live in now (next town over) is pretty strict on that sorta stuff, a lot of lawyers/judges, etc, live here, so I get 0 knocks from solicitors.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
Thats not as bad as the jehovas witness people coming door to door, every time I talk to one on my front porch, I ask them if they are here for the goat sacrifice out back.... It gets rid of em pretty fast
And pepridge farm aint got nothin' on girl scouts.

I answered the door in my skivvies and they asked me to put on pants when coming to the door. I asked them, "do you live here?" They said "No" I replied "Good !! This is my house and I answer the door dressed the way I want ! Now what do you want ?!?!?" They took off in a hurry and never came back ! ROFLMAO !! Another day, a car pulled into my driveway as I was mowing the lawn. Saw they were old ladies in them thinking they were lost. I approached them and asked if they needed directions and they told me who they were and I told them to get off my property and never to come back again !!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
Now I do most of the cooking/grilling. Here it is on a Saturday (waterchange day) So the g/f said she will do the grilling today. I am in the house doing my thing. The g/f comes in and tells me this guy was selling a cleaning product that will take the grease off anything. Then she tells me he sprayed it onto the grill and cleaned it off. Now I am flipping out. She said the guy came up started to sell his product and sprayed it on the grill. She said she yelled at him because we were cooking on the grill. She said the guy said was NON-TOXIC. She tells me this guy wants $70 bucks a bottle. So here I go looking guy. Of course he is nowhere to be found. Now I am stuck here with this food that could be tainted.
I would have called the cops for that one.


She didn't know what they were driving. She tells me stories about what happens when she goes shopping. People never do it when I am around.


Active Member
haha..buying a new house here, we had stupid carpet cleaners come to house twice now and they give you this candle lid in their hand welcoming you to the neighborhood, and then say they would like to talk to you about their business and yada yada do a demonstration, we say no thanks and they try to weasle in some more and finally say no.....they say ok, and then ask for the candle back,lolol....jerks.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I don't mind solicitators so much. Atleast they are trying to make some money through some resemblance of a job.
The one I hate is I am standing outside (can be anywhere) having a cigarette and a complete stranger will come up to me ask if they can bum a cigarette. I hate that. Dude, supply your own habit.
My typical response is "Sorry, I don't smoke." That usually confuses them.


I get really pissed when people try solicit the mall. "Would you like a magazine subscription?"
"Want to take a survey?"
"Would you like to try some of our product?"
"Do your car still have a dent on your hood?"
(walks away slowly...)
The ones that grinds my gears are the ones in the parking lots of places.
"Hey what kind of cologne do you use?"
Like.. do I smell that good from far away? Why would I want to buy your stuff out the back of a car? Is it made of piss and ink? Seriously!
"Would you like to buy my cd?"
NO! You are selling cds out of a trunk... probably because your rap sucks!
*Get handed a piece of paper and it reads "Dear sir or maddam, I am Deaf and can only work by selling these cards (or pins.. what ever they are pushing that day) please buy this for 2.00. Thank you and god bless".
COME ON!! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! Because you cannot speak english is not being deaf.. its being lazy. Even if you can speak english.. GET A JOB! Just because you are deaf doesnt mean you cannot work. There are people that cannot speak english and do just fine in the work place.
Dont even get me started on the people with signs on corners with empty alcohol bottles on the side of the road next to their 'spot'.



Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
My typical response is "Sorry, I don't smoke." That usually confuses them.
I usually tell them the time.
"Can I have a cig?"
Its 11:25 then look back at them as if they really had asked the time. You get some funny reactions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha..buying a new house here, we had stupid carpet cleaners come to house twice now and they give you this candle lid in their hand welcoming you to the neighborhood, and then say they would like to talk to you about their business and yada yada do a demonstration, we say no thanks and they try to weasle in some more and finally say no.....they say ok, and then ask for the candle back,lolol....jerks.
you better be real careful, those carpet cleaners are a cult. if you don't believe me, watch Seinfeld.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
you better be real careful, those carpet cleaners are a cult. if you don't believe me, watch Seinfeld.

the one guy saw my tank and wanted to come in, that was his next little ploy to get me in, said he just goes to the islands and scubas all the time...


I can walk away from any of them but....the phone calls are killin me.
Now I've resorted to yelling for my 6 year old "its for you" She will talk for hours if they would let her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
Thats not as bad as the jehovas witness people coming door to door, every time I talk to one on my front porch, I ask them if they are here for the goat sacrifice out back.... It gets rid of em pretty fast
And pepridge farm aint got nothin' on girl scouts.
Ok, this is the first time this has happened in my borough (since it's illegal and we have tons of lawyers and judges living here), but they actually came to my door not 2 minutes ago.... the Jehovah's witnesses. As soon as I saw the pamphlet that said who they were I immediately stopped them to let them know I'm a Buddhist and don't believe in God. The older guy of the two said "wait, so there's no God in Buddhism? At all? And this is a Religion?" and I could only just say the truth, while thinking his disbelief was amusing "nope, no God, just an awakening". And at that, they thanked me and left.
It's amazing that people can't comprehend that there are religions or philosophies out there that don't strictly belief what they believe, and this was an older guy, at least in his 40's or so. Anyway, that's the only note about the religion thing that I'll say, but just wanted to post that they came here this morning....haha.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
So about 4 days ago I'm looking at baby clothes in W-mart and some colleged age girl approaches me and was like excuse me can I ask you a question? Well, I'm a nice, approacable person so I was like sure, thinking she was going to ask me if I knew the location of a store item or something. Well after about 2 mins of her "dialouge" I realize she's a solicitor! Inside Wal-mart what the hell? I wasn't rude to her but I was firm and informed her I wasn't buying magazines from her. I went my way she went hers. So tonight, I'm at W-mart( yes I love me some W-mart, lol) and as I'm walking up to my car a colleged age male approaches me. He's like excuse me miss, I was like yea, thinking ok am I about to get abducted or what? Now he was trying to sell me GD magazines too! Dude, I was livid. How annoying to get harassed everytime I go to W-mart. I just got in my car and got outta there but on the way home I called and told this all to a manager who said she would take care of it. If it happens again I think I'm just going to call the police. The fact that a man I did not know would approach me like that a 10 pm in a parking lot while I'm alone is pretty scary. Sorry, I just had to vent but what would you do?

I'm not familiar with GD magazine. What is it about?


It is amazing how this thread was talking about solicitors and became a Jehovahs Witness bash. They do not sell anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FireRescue
It is amazing how this thread was talking about solicitors and became a Jehovahs Witness bash. They do not sell anything.
Maybe not but they are as big of a pain is the A$$ as those that do sell things.