how bad did i mess up?


New Member
Well i got 150 gal, all cycled and i was buying some lr from this guy down the street . he was down sizing . He had a clown breeding program going on and was selling every thing . I saw this cool pair of maroon clown fish I had to have. Before i did any research
the problem is they are the first and only fish in there. I wanted a mellow tank with lots of cool little fish . From what i read on clown fish they were docile. But not the maroon clown, especially not a breeding pair ?
My question is: What kind of fish can I add that will be compatible? They seem to be keeping to one corner of the tank. They have a nice little cave.


Active Member
No, you should be able to get plenty of other fish in there. You may just have problems with very small fish.


id say clowns are cheep... personly i love them , but its goin to be a pain in the but to get them out after u add all rock and sorts of stuff. just traid them offf for some percs.


i also got some big maroon, can't match him with any other maroons, he attack them on sight.....
but i still love him he's beautiful


Active Member
Some fish ideas to go with Maroon clowns :
Tang (Yellow, Hippo, Kole, etc ...)
Trigger (Niger, Humas, etc ...)


New Member
well didn't get them cheep ! baught as a breeding pair . allready have 160 lbs live rock . so i guss i'm stuck with a
tank ! well mabe a snowflake ell . and a triger fish , and a sailfish tang ?


Active Member
Those are nice additions. Just make sure you have your top well secured. Eels are master escape artists. They also like alot of rock work for hiding. Oh yeah - make sure your rocks are secured tight. Eels can cause lrockslides in tanks.


Active Member
My maroon was one of my first fish i have a 150 also. You can add several fish, tangs, larger wrasses, an angel, I even have a red and A purple firefish. My maroon is the only clown I have, tried mating her, but she was having none of that. But she is aggressive whenever anything, fish, coral etc get near her anenome, but she only chases them away or carries off the coral to another part of the tank :scared: You should be fine. You might want to rearrange the rock some before you add another fish, I would do it soon so they are not solo for to long and use to having the tank to themselves.


New Member
okay, so i have one tomato clown and also a blue-fin damsel that repeatedly seems to "kick" the clown whenever it tries to move around the tank. the damsel only wants the clown in the very upper left side of the tank. has anyone else had this problem? should i get rid of the damsel so my clown can have some peace? to kind of help the clown, i've added an anemone, but he never goes near him. what if about adding another clown so he wouldn't be so lonely?


Active Member
I think my Maroon is the fish from H.. I have had him 3 years and he still bits my arm every time it in in the tank!!
Look at him waiting for me!!



Active Member
IMO, it is riskier than most clown pairs. If you absolutely, positively, love them. Then so be it, you'll work around it. If you are not just crazy happy in love with maroon clowns, I would personally reconsider a bit.

crypt keeper

Active Member
If you can afford the lights later on I would get an anemone. They will host it and stay near it and in it. Hopefully the anemone will decide to stay on the side of the tank and the clowns will also. I have read they do better if they can host. 6 foot tank?


Active Member
They can be really nasty though to anything that comes near the anemone (and near is relative). And there is an ssue if the anemone splits. I once had a customer with a 55g with an anemone at both sides...and the clowns decided BOTH anemones were theirs. Oh boy, did they have a problem! So, an anemone may or may not be a good plan

Personally, I would go with different clowns.

crypt keeper

Active Member
attacked is what a great white does. You got nibbled on and because you are a women you made it sound bigger than what really happened, right?
I kid I kid


Active Member
i must have had weird maroons i had 3 of them living in the same anemone all placed in at different times .however it was a 300 gal tank and i would introduce them on separate ends of the tank and eventually they went into the anemone.