How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???


Active Member
I know, you all don't like being lectured about this habit, but it just boggles my mind that people can still smoke cigarettes. Here is something that people probably don't say to your face but are generally thinking... YOU SMELL! I can smell you when we are in the same room, I can smell you even if you have gum in your mouth, I can smell your coat in the closet. While you may be used to it, you should be aware that this is really a very objectionable odor. Couple this with the facts that your teeth are yellow, your voice is raspy, your skin looks like a catcher's mitt and you spend a large part of your day coughing up flem.
Consider these facts even if you don't care that you are potentially killing yourself and killing those around you.
Sorry if this is rude but I just don't understand how people still smoke. 30 years ago nobody understood the true danger in smoking. But now you all know what you are doing to yourselves and do it anyway. Why?
I'm just tired of hugging my smoker friends, and talking to people who smell as if they spent the day eating garbage. Rant over...


Active Member
Hmm, I"m not a smoker anymore, although I was for about 15 years.
I dont know a single smoker that could have cared less if some obnoxious anti-smoker thought we smelled. Wouldnt have bothered me in the slightest.
Also, yes, we realize that it is bad for us. We dont need someone we dont even know lecturing us on it.


well crimzy thanks for finally saying it! of course, you realize that the smokers here will be firing right back at you(why do people drink? why do people go out in the sun for too long?). but you have my support 120% of the way!! i'm tired of altering my life for smokers who moan and groan that they should be able to smoke wherever they want! quite honestly i don't see how if you're doing something that's making me sick(i just got over a nasty bit of bronchitis because i went to the bar two nights in a row) how is it fair that you get the right and i have to sacrifice mine to save my health?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Nicotine is a drug....its very addictive . I smoke ,i know its very unhealthy and potentially deadly and some day soon i hope to be able to quit for good.Ive tried a few times with little luck,but i will continue to try.
I for the life of me dont understand how the government can allow its sale and production,knowing what it does to the human body,other than the amount of $$$$$ involved.


Active Member
I agree, smokers smell, and we all know the health hazards of smoking, and what second-hand smoke can do to someone. I look at it this way:
First off it is an addiction. My mother went through this for more than 10 years, on and off quitting. Although here is a physical addiction with nicottine, smoking is more of a mental addiction then anything. Withdrawls from nicottine are far better than withdrawls from anything else (drugs, alcohol, etc), so it becomes more of a habbit and "i just can't go on without another ciggarette."
The second part is it is not my position to tell someone how to live their lives. If you do not like smokers, or friends that are smokers it is totally within your control to avoid these people and not to associate with them. If you had a friend that smelled in general (BO), or stole from you, or was a habbitual liar, if you didn't like these traits you could just stop hanging out with them. Same with smoking, it is a physical trait that you either deal with, or get new friends. I realize there is some overlap with where you can go out and still get second-hand smoke, but a lot of cities are inacting ordenances that ban smoking in public places (restaurants, clubs, bars, parks, etc).
Moral of the story is I don't want to tell someone how to live their lives, because before you know it someone will be doing the same thing to you. What if you couldn't drink a beer when you wanted to? I would be totally pissed off if people started ranting about beer drinking (obviously i'm talking within the realm of responsible drinking). It isn't good for my health (i know some studies are showing good heart health as a result of some wine), so why can I choose to do it? Because I live in the good ol US of A, where i can drink and smoke even though statistics show i have a greater chance of developing lung cancer and liver disease - why? because it is my choice to do so.
Sorry, long story short, i agee i hate the smell, but i don't want to stop someone from doing something because that is one step closer to stopping every activity that is 'bad for your health.'


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Nicotine is a drug....its very addictive . I smoke ,i know its very unhealthy and potentially deadly and some day soon i hope to be able to quit for good.Ive tried a few times with little luck,but i will continue to try.
I for the life of me dont understand how the government can allow its sale and production,knowing what it does to the human body,other than the amount of $$$$$ involved.
Been smoking 30+ years now. Tried to quit 1000 times. What really blows me away is that insurance companies won't cover prescriptions to help you quit.


Isn't this forum for aquarium questions? Get a life and if u don't like smokers don't hang out with them? We obviously know the facts about it and what do u expect its very additicting! Actually I'm smoking one for u right now LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by cabin7882
Isn't this forum for aquarium questions? Get a life and if u don't like smokers don't hang out with them? We obviously know the facts about it and what do u expect its very additicting! Actually I'm smoking one for u right now LOL


veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Been smoking 30+ years now. Tried to quit 1000 times. What really blows me away is that insurance companies won't cover prescriptions to help you quit.

I spit up green lougies in the morning ...what color are yours?


Active Member
I can understand that once you start you get hooked but there are ways to kick.
What I really don't understand is why with everything we've known for the last 20 years or so would anyone start?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I can understand that once you start you get hooked but there are ways to kick.
What I really don't understand is why with everything we've known for the last 20 years or so would anyone start?
Started around 10...thought it was cool.


Active Member
I'm not really suggesting a prohibition (although I wouldn't be too bothered by one), but the question is how you can still do this to yourself. I may have a habit of rolling around in feces (which would probably be healthier than smoking) but does that mean no one can make a comment.
As much as I try to avoid you people, I simply can't. I am forced to smell your breath at work, smell your clothes, smell your coat in the closet. Since there is no smoking in my building I am forced to walk through a cloud of smoking just outside the door when I come and go. I have a friend going through chemo right now. He has never been a smoker but is a DJ in a bar and gets it all second hand. Is this right?
Most people won't tell others when people are talking about them. I just want you all to know that people are talking about your smell. Isn't it better to know?


Active Member
Want to talk about equal rights, i have a little experiment for you non-smokers (myself included).
Most jobs allow breaks here and there to go out and smoke, there is usually an unwritten rule that smokers can go outside every hour or two for five minutes and smoke. For you non-smokers, i emplore you to try and go to your boss saying you are just going outside to hang out for 5 mintues as often as the smokers do. I've found that management gives a very negative outlook upon doing so. Kinda crappy, but thats the world we live in.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Want to talk about equal rights, i have a little experiment for you non-smokers (myself included).
Most jobs allow breaks here and there to go out and smoke, there is usually an unwritten rule that smokers can go outside every hour or two for five minutes and smoke. For you non-smokers, i emplore you to try and go to your boss saying you are just going outside to hang out for 5 mintues as often as the smokers do. I've found that management gives a very negative outlook upon doing so. Kinda crappy, but thats the world we live in.
actually, i've taken several of these breaks at my old job. i threatened to go to HR if they didn't allow it and they didn't care what i did from that point on. it was very frustrating because it seemed like any time things got tough or the slightest bit difficult all the smokers had to get up and have a cigarette and leave us non-smokers to pick up the slack


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I know, you all don't like being lectured about this habit, but it just boggles my mind that people can still smoke cigarettes. Here is something that people probably don't say to your face but are generally thinking... YOU SMELL! I can smell you when we are in the same room, I can smell you even if you have gum in your mouth, I can smell your coat in the closet. While you may be used to it, you should be aware that this is really a very objectionable odor. Couple this with the facts that your teeth are yellow, your voice is raspy, your skin looks like a catcher's mitt and you spend a large part of your day coughing up flem.
Consider these facts even if you don't care that you are potentially killing yourself and killing those around you.
Sorry if this is rude but I just don't understand how people still smoke. 30 years ago nobody understood the true danger in smoking. But now you all know what you are doing to yourselves and do it anyway. Why?
I'm just tired of hugging my smoker friends, and talking to people who smell as if they spent the day eating garbage. Rant over...
im not a smoker, but dude if you dont want to smell it walk away... a smoker has way less rights than you and perhaps if they did smoke indoors you would be immune to the smell... non-smokers whine cry complain b!#ch n moan more than smokers do... you got your smoking ban now leave em alone...

PS... i am asthmatic and to smell smoke or be around it is pretty much going to end up with me having an attack, or allergic reaction... i just avoid it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I agree, smokers smell, and we all know the health hazards of smoking, and what second-hand smoke can do to someone. I look at it this way:
The second part is it is not my position to tell someone how to live their lives. If you do not like smokers, or friends that are smokers it is totally within your control to avoid these people and not to associate with them.
Not always, the two years I lived in campus housing, it was an apartment. We had the top floor and was a nightmare. Whenever anyone smoked in the 7or 8 rooms below us, stunk up our apartment pretty. We had talked to some of the guys below us, they started smoking on their balcony, but it just helped a touch. Don't get me started on how bad weed stinks....

If it was truly self contained, like alcohol, I wouldn't have a problem with it.